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Canada gets gold in hockey! (Again as the women got one first)


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Hubby and I have been up since 4 AM watching the gold medal hockey game.  Canada won 3 to 0 against Sweden.  Now we will watch the closing ceremonies coming up.  Olympic Games have been super.  Love the Dr. Zhivago costumes worn by the Russian women who assist in the medal presentations.  All the athletes from around the world did a stellar job!


PS I just woke up two different elderly neighbours due to me  being buzzed on drinking coffee and cheering for hockey since 4 AM.  We had a big dump of snow and I thought I would go out and shovel the two 80 year old neighbours walk ways forgetting how early it was.  I scared them both.  In my mind it felt like noon LOL.

Edited by Laurel
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Congratz Canada on Gold Medal Hockey!  (It is in the Swedish character to finish runner-up, sounds like they did perfect in hockey)  Have watched some of the closing ceremonies - awesome.  So many of our favorite composers, authors, artists ............. wonderful performance.  (Get some sleep Laurel :))

Edited by C-MaxSea
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I was up too Laurel! Very good game, although Sweden didnt have anything left in the tank by the third period. Not a really fair contest with so many excellent swedes out due to injuries. That being said, it sure felt good to hear that beautiful anthem again!!! The only anthem sung in that building(twice). Oh Canada!

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