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New owner and trying to figure out best hitch and bike rack


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Hi all

I am a new owner of a platinum white SEL cmax.

So far, I am loving the vehicle!

We just returned from a 500K/300 mile trio and easily obtained 45+ mpg!


We bought a echo hitch 2 inch hitch. They accidentally sent the 1.25 inch. They have been great and will ship a 2 inch one tomorrow but am having second thoughts on which size is better.


Anyone have the 2 inch ecohitch? Any concerns with ground clearance between the 2?


We currently have a Yakima rack but are considering the single 1UP USA rack to carry one bike (and we will get the add on for a second bike). My bike fits inside with both wheels on, so most of the time, only one will be outside.


Anyone with this configuration? Ecohitch plus 1UP?


There are some old threads but nothing recent.


BTW - kick open does still work but a bit tricky to find the sweet spot.



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Thanks Nick aka C-MaxSea - great handle!


I cross posted in racks and towing, so hopefully someone will respond.


Loving my new C-Max. We actually didn't plan on buying a C-Max but took it for a test ride and the rest is history.


My best performance so far is 48+ on a 40 mile trip. I hope to break 50 on a trip if the winds are cooperative!



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Thanks - glad you are happy with the 1.25 receiver. Both my husband and I decided a 3 inch black thing on the back of the C-Max would look out of place, so I think we will stick with the 1.25 that is mounted and not swap it for the 2 inch receiver.  

My brother has the T2 and it is a really nice rack. Since we will have to buy a new rack as our Yakima is a 2 inch receiver, we are going to get the 1UP ASA and mount the single platform on it but purchase a second platform. 1UP is confident that we will be happy with the 1.25 receiver.

It was just a shock to discover that the receiver was 1.25 when I was expecting the 2 inch.  

Have fun cycling! We just returned from a trip through the Canadian and US Rockies. Great trip but we did get wet!

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