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Sirius XM not connected message

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New 2014 SEL.  Sirius shows a message that it is "Not connected" on the lower left corner tab, and when I'm on the main Sirius screen, the message is in an overlay on the screen.  But the thing is...it's connected.  It's playing satellite radio stations just fine.  Everything else works fine.  Voice commands work to change channels.  I don't know if I can scroll and choose other channels around the overlay.  But...anyone seen that?  Do I talk to Ford or to Sirius about it?  Is there a simple reset for something like that?

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I have a 2013 SEL. It did the same thing. I had to update the sync software. I am now at version 3.10 and the pop up messages go away when the condition that caused it goes away. You can check the ford owners site  Download The Latest Update For Any Ford® SYNC® Version | SYNC Updates | Official Ford Owner Site as well as search on this forum for help to update.

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