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Terra clean recommended by Ford


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Using the injector cleaner after the engine light started flashing and all those error codes came up?   No way.....#3 injector was done.  I suspect the earlier engine shuddering was caused by the injector being on it's last legs.   Maybe #1 too.   In any case it made sense to replace all four as it only cost $160 in parts and the car is almost at 60K miles.

Edited by Adrian_L
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Problem fixed.   


The vibration seemed to get better for awhile, so we didn't bother with the injector cleaner.  Then a few weeks ago, after a 30 minute drive on the highway the engine light started flashing and I experienced a rumble from under the front wheels.   Fortunately it was only 5 minutes to home.


OBDII indicated #3 cylinder misfiring and injector open.   I decided to replace all four injectors as they're only $40 each (Motorcraft CM-5148)   Fairly straightforward but I recommend you buy the special tool to disconnect the fuel line from the fuel rail.  They're about $5-10.


For future reference (unneeded, I hope!):


What is the tool?   A flare nut wrench?


Can obdII distinguish a stuck or dirty injector from an open injector?


Did you check with a meter to confirm the injector was open circuit?


If the injector showed up in OBDII with a code for "open", I assume it means the coil is burnt out or there is a connector problem.  I myself would check the injector with a meter for continuity before pulling it.  If the injector coil was indeed open circuit, then injector cleaner is not going to help.

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This is a Canadian site, but they call it a fuel line disconnect tool:




To be honest, I didn't have time to confirm the injector was dirty, stuck or simply bad.  But it would make sense to check it out.

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