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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2022 in Posts

  1. TL:DR After replacing the existing TCU with part number HJ5T-14G087-UE off an Escape, I was immediately able to activate it via the Fordpass app with no problems, and all the expected features work on the app. I imagine HJ5T-14G087-UF will work as well. You could also buy the retrofit TCU from a dealership parts department and install it yourself(although this might be difficult to do as Ford requires their dealers return the 3g TCUs), which I think might be a good idea for non Energi cars. You will also need an might want an LTE antenna or the TCU will throw a code for better reception, but if you have strong AT&T reception you'll be able to activate FordPass without it as the TCU has its own antenna. The TCU will still throw a code unless you use an official Ford PIFA antenna, if anyone finds out what that flat antenna's part number is in the official kit use please post it. I did no As Built changes on the APIM or TCU. I retract my suggestion for the DIY swap for Energi cars because you will lose Value Charging. Getting to the TCU: You will need: 8mil, 10 mil socket T25, T27 bits panel removal tools will be useful. The TCU is in under the "left hand (driver's side) loadspace panel", which is the panel that goes from the hatch all the way to the rear driver door and has the grate for the battery fan. To remove this panel you will need to remove the plastic panels that cover the high voltage battery in the hatch, remove the plastic trim piece that covers the hatch latch area, remove the plastic trim panel on the floor attached to the "loadspace panel" , remove the cooling fan grate, and then pull on the loadspace panel from the hatch. The TCU is not the big module branded Continental (that's the PATS module) that's nearer to you, the TCU is further into the passenger compartment, you'll know if you found the right thing if you see a module with some foam padding and a sticker with an IMEI on it. The TCU is attached to the body via some push in rivets, which is where some panel removal tools will come in handy. Note that the HJ5T module is significantly bigger than the original module, but I was able to make it fit in the loadspace panel. The size difference is why I suggest buying the retrofit TCU over using one out of an Escape. The official docs show that they don't have a special smaller TCU and so they use velcro to attach it to the body (https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2021/MC-10204043-0001.pdf) I placed the external antenna on the body next to the small window on the C pillar, I guess I'll find out if that's a good place for it to be when I go to places that don't have good AT&T reception. (In particular, officially they put the antenna in a similar area to where I put mine, upright on the top plastic piece that surrounds the window) Set up a FordPass account and add your cars VIN if you haven't. If you're lucky, after installing the new TCU, you'll see some serial in "Onboard Modem Serial Number(ESN)" in "About Sync" and you should see an "Activate Vehicle" button under a paragraph labeled "Sync Connect" under your car in the FordPass app. You'll see a prompt on your system for "requested access" and after allowing your app should be good to go! There are a set of troubleshooting steps in this F150 Forum thread if you aren't as lucky with activating, and some steps if you still have Sync 2 in your car(but you should consider upgrading!). Also, my value charging is still broken ☹️ I suspect its because this car came with Nav but I put in a non nav APIM to replace it when it broke.
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