No changes that I can tell so far with two mixed EV+Gas trips this evening. Everything that has been functioning is still ok. Nothing new added. Still waiting for the EV Trip Data to populate. I've yet to have that show so far in all of this. That said, the update was successful and is functioning so there is that. Go Times and Value Charging are still there and functional.
EDIT: One thing I guess I should note is the secret little JSON aggregate on Ford's site that has all the FordPass data mysteriously is missing like half of the data, though I believe this occurred right before I initiated the calibration update. Still missing a chunk after the fact. I'll document the process for that below for those interested in checking it out:
1) Access Ford Owner Support from a Chromium based browser for best results (Edge works here as an example).
2) Log in and once the page loads, open the developer console. F12 should do the trick here.
3) In the developer console, choose the Network tab and in the filter box, enter 'countrycode'
4) In the listing that has been pared down with that filter, you should have two 'status?countryCode=us&vin=....' entries. One will be 0B in size, the other will probably be a couple KB. This second one is the one we want. Select it and a bunch of data should show.