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Everything posted by zacsc

  1. Updated to 8.1.2 and sync still does not recognize voice command to dial a number from my contacts, any suggestions?
  2. Just had car at dealer for the intelligent access key feature not working with gloves on. Was told it's a safety issue not to have doors lock or unlock by accidentally having a coat swipe the handle. Dealer stated the locks will not work with gloves on with any Ford model having the intelligent access key feature. Thanks to Ashley and Linda at Ford for trying to help. Guess we'll have to have the fob handy in the cold weather while wearing gloves.
  3. Hope all had a great holiday and Happy New Year to all.
  4. Now that the weather has turned colder the intelligent access key feature on our Sel model is not always working. When trying to open the locked doors or lock the doors when leaving by touching the pad, if wearing gloves nothing happens. All works fine when I take my glove off, but it's winter. I would think having lock features should work with gloves on or off, or is this a design flaw?
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