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  1. This winter, with my short commute and sub-zero temps, has pretty much killed my FE. I have also been trying to avoid grill covers, but geez, with MPG averages now in the mid 30s, I may have to do something.
  2. As the temperature drops and my first Chicago winter with my new C-Max is settling in, I am discovering that this car doesn't especially enjoy the cold. The engine now takes quite a while to warm up and stays in ICE mode for much longer than in the warm weather. When it does finally get warm enough and shift to EV, the engine temperature quickly drops back down and we are in ICE mode again. This seems to be especially problematic for short trips. My average MPG is taking a big hit. Any tips for C-Max hybrid driving in the cold?
  3. Saw another black C-Max, also going westbound on I-90, near Elgin last night. First sighting in a while.
  4. I just checked that site and there appear to be no "outstanding field service actions" listed, which I presume means that it already came 13B07 upgrade. Thanks. Believe it or not, I have yet to take it on the expressway, but will do so soon. I am really liking this car. Thanks also.
  5. New member question: I just purchased my C-Max Hybrid early last month, and am loving it and getting pretty decent MPG from the get go (about 46.5). I see that I need to update my sync software to v3.6.2, but am unable to see if the 13B07 update came with the car or not. How do I tell if this has already been installed or not? Thanks, Ed
  6. I am new here and since getting my C-Max almost a week ago, I have been trying to drive carefully and learn these new hybrid driving techniques. The car computer is saying 48.6 average MPG for my first 200 miles. My two questions for the veterans out there are first, how accurate is this car computer in estimating actual gas mileage, and second, doesn't this average seem a bit whacky for a new, unbroken-in motor? Ed
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