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  1. Hi all, thanks for the replies, my sticker said 47/47/47, I just looked at it. The car was built and was being delivered to the dealership when Ford announced the payments. I'll give them a call.
  2. Has anyone recieved the promised goodwill payment yet for the 2013 MY C-Max labeled at 47 mpg? My '13 C-Max was being delivered to the dealer from the factory (I officially bought it Aug 22), haven't heard a peep about it from Ford. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, I searched before posting, didn't find anything relevant, hence the post. I used to treat the underside of my prior vehicles prior to winter (lots of salt around here), used to go to Ziebart for this. With the C-Max being not quite like other cars underneath, anyone know if it's still safe to apply the undercoating? Thanks.
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