Sorry to hear about your issue, I’m thinking I might have the same problem. I purchased a mint fully loaded 13’ SEL last June that has been a joy until I noticed the whining sound at start up and when the ICE kicked in this winter. I chalked it up to the cold weather and maybe an inverter issue since it only occurred when the ICE was on. I have 88K on it now but it was a Dec 12 build date so I’m screwed I’m sure. We got a decent deal on it so if the dealer doesn’t take care of me I’ll be looking for a rebuilt unit as well. Do you mind sharing what the dealership was going to charge? Mine runs great at the moment just has the whine but I know it’s only a matter or time. Would having them change the oil in the transmission be beneficial? Are folks just waiting until it self destructs and then repairing? Or will waiting ruin more than just the trans?