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Everything posted by knahs42

  1. My 2014 Ford Cmax SEL (hybrid not electric) with 78,000 miles now needs to be jumped every time I go to use it. Upon reading, I assume the 12 volt battery probably needs replaced. Would an AGM battery be a better choice? How long does the hybrid battery usually last? From what I've read it seems to be 10-12 years so I am figuring that is also may be an issue? I recently moved to a new home and the garage is not as warm as at the other house. I investigated getting a heater but was told it would cost a lot of money to keep garage heated at 40 degrees. I asked Ford about an engine block heater but they said it should not be necessary. Ford is going to charge $169 to "diagnose" issues. This is dealer I bought vehicle new at in 2014. Is this reasonable? Obviously I could purchase a better quality battery if I had the $169 to apply to battery. Any suggestions?
  2. I am going to attempt my first SYNC update but have a question - I know the instructions say the car must be running when applying the udpates but can the car be in motion? I asked my service department this and they did not know. I hate to have the car just site and run for 30 minutes or so when I could be updating and driving to work at the same time. Also, is there anything I need to be on the look-out for? Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  3. I am coming up on my 10,000 mile service - my oil light has not come on it but in the "engage" display the little service engine soon light is on. However, it is not on in any other display. Do I wait til the oil light comes on (I am at 9,650 miles) or just go ahead and get service now? This is for a 2014 C-Max Hybrid SEL.
  4. I am so proud of my 2014 CMax. I parked at Dulles airport on 2/19/2015 at a temperature of 8 degrees. The car was there 5 nights, 6 days in temps that never got above freezing and with wind chills in the negative numbers - the car started right up when I got back.
  5. Got my 2014 Ford Cmax at end of July and Sirius / AM / FM radio has been working fine until yesterday. Now, I can't get to any FM station - either using voice command or touch screen. When I use voice to get to FM 88.5 it just takes me to AM 600. Touch screen button for FM won't work. AM and Sirius works fine. I've made a service appointment but wondered if anyone else experienced this?
  6. As a new user I too am wondering about miles to empty - my car is saying 92 miles to empty but I have a quarter tank left. I was wondering if the miles to empty just includes gasoline miles and not EV miles?
  7. I bought online from http://andersonandkoch-ford-warranty.com/ I did the $200 deductible, 6 years, 125,000 miles at $1,125. Dealer wanted to charge $1,695 for a 100,000 mile one.
  8. I am having difficulty getting the display I want - I have the Empower display which I like (although I am not exactly sure what everything means) - However, I would like to add to this is miles to empty and Trip A but I'm not sure if I can or how I can do that? Is it possible and if so, how?
  9. knahs42

    Arm Rest?

    I am 5' 3" and find the arm rest in the Cmax a bit too far back to be effective - I have adjusted the steering wheel some but essentially just the back of my elbow barely hits the arm rest. My previous car, Subaru Impreza, had a sliding top on the arm rest that solved the issue for short drivers as you could slide the top forward and then it would be in the correct place. Hopefully Ford will do something like this for future vehicles.
  10. Thanks for your responses - appreciate it.
  11. My new C-Max will have to sit in the sun all day at work. I was thinking of getting the windows professionally tinted to the legal limit as I had done with my previous cars. It has helped keep the interior cooler in my previous cars. Has anyone done this on the C-Max or know of any issues that I need to consider?
  12. Got my Oxford White 2014 C-Max Hybrid SEL yesterday - so far I love it but didn't drive it to work today as it is supposed to rain and I didn't want it to get wet on the first day.
  13. Thanks to all - I ended up with a White CMAX SEL with the stone interior - it looks tan/taupe to me. But I love the car!
  14. I got my new Ford Cmax SEL today and love it. I did not purchase the extended warranty from the dealer because he said it was $1,689 for a 7 year, 100,000 warranty but told me it would add $269 a month to my payment (which I knew was incorrect). Since the Cmax has so much technology I was thinking the Ford ESP would be a good idea, especially since it is transferrable to a new owner if you sell before it expires (for a $75 fee). I know Consumer Reports does not recommend ever buying an extended warranty and I have enver bought one either. Just wondered if anyone has the extended warranty, feels it is a good idea, and have bought from an online selller. I found the same 7 year, 100,000 warranty with $200 deductible for $1,125 from www.lombardfordwarrantys.com and they say it is honored at all Ford dealers and that they can offer that price due to volume. Just wondering what everyone thought.
  15. I like a white car - mine has to sit out in sun all day at work and have found it to say cooler than any other color - especially when you don't have a black interior. I would never purchase a black interior car - although in my car shopping, that seems to be the only choice for many vehicles, including the Honda Fit.
  16. I'm trying to find the dealer rating section referred to in the post above. I did end up getting a 2014 CMAX SEL yesterday but dealer has to bring it from another dealer. I had gotten some better pricing from dealers closer to DC but I figured if I was having issues, I would want to deal with someone local. While they did try to push the 2013 they had on the lot, the salesman found me a 2014 that has no other options on it - just base. They had initially priced out one with the 302 group but there was just no way I could afford that. I just wish he had looked a little further as I found one (after I signed the deal) that was just the base car but it did have just the power liftgate which was the only option I was interested in and I would have swung for that. I am surprised that dealers are not that helpful in locating cars at other dealers like they use to be. Anyway, I would be interested in locating the dealer rating section to see how my local dealer scores.
  17. Local dealer is trying to talk me into a new 2013 that is still on the lot. It is fully loaded and they said because it is a 13 they will give me a good price - about the same as what I was looking at for the 2014 that had no options. After reading all this, I am just concerned since it has been on the lot, I guess a year. Is there any way from the window sticker to tell exactly when it was built?
  18. I have a question regarding the battery - seems to be more of an issue in the SE model than SEL and more so in 2013 than 2014. Is it the same battery model in all versions or is there a specific battery that performs better than another?
  19. It's been a few weeks since I test drove a 2014 Cmax which had the stone leather interior. I recall it as being more tan than grey - would someone that has one tell me if it is more toward the tan side or more toward the grey side. In trying to shop and give more color choices than white - I would go for silver except if the stone interior is more tan lookikng, I don't think that would look right. I know I don't want black. The car has to sit in the sun in the parking lot at work all day and gets so hot. Thank you all for your input.
  20. So in my shopping, I've had some of the dealers telling me I can get the vehicle for less if I DON'Tuse my X-plan PIN - do folks that had the X-plan PIN think that is right?
  21. Good luck to the person buying the Subaru - I unloaded my 2012 Impreza that was just 2 years old this past weekend. The car was losing a quart of oil every 2,500 miles and essentially the dealer (and owner's manual) says that Subaru says it is acceptable for the vehicle to use a quart of oil every 1,200 miles. I have been on long distance trips when the oil light came on and then, instead of attending the event I drove 300 miles, I spent my time looking for a Subaru dealer. No more Subaru's for me.
  22. I am in trying to find one equipped like I want and priced like I want - right now - no one seems to want to make any deals on the 2014's. I was offered a 2013 fully loaded but had heard the 14's had better software. I also hate to think of buying a vehicle that is already a year old. I would like to get a 14 and not wait for a 15 but wondered what folks thought about the 13's. Seems like dealers in our area (MD/PA/WV) have a good number of 13's on their lots.
  23. I bought a 2012 Subaru Impreza based on Consumer Reports rating of this car and it is terrible - underpowered, noisy, and doesn't go between oil changes without you having to add a quart or more. I am looking at the Cmax but have seen posts other than CR's discussing CMAX frequently not starting or tires going flat or general unreliability. I have looked at a lot of the posts in this forum and it appears that most of you like/love the CMAX. The CMAX is a bit more than I would spend on a vehicle (I'm also looking at Mazda 3) but I am looking for something that is going to last me 10 years (100,000 miles). My question to all of you - if you had it to do over again - would you still buy the CMAX?
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