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C-Max Run

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Everything posted by C-Max Run

  1. Got the Max back on Thurs. evening. Drove around Friday and the weekend. So far so good. No issues. It runs like it did before. Still not sure what the issie was but from the paperwork it looks like it was the same issue the Taxi's are having. The service advisor mentioned something about the bearings but not sure if he really knows. He was gone for the day when I picked it up. Will update again after a few more days of driving. CassidyB - That wasn't me on the facebook page.
  2. Just got the call from my service advisor. My Max won't be ready today. He said it should be ready tomorrow. At this point I don't care when it's ready as long as it repaired correctly. Stay tuned.
  3. But now it's really nicely paved :happy feet: . At least the Orange County side is. Very smooth downhill ride through the canyon. Riverside County side is a few years older but still much better than it was years ago.
  4. I do use hiil descent to maintain speed. ICE turns on after I'm fully charged.Display goes from blue to white. Spoke to the service advisor yesterday and my Max should be ready today. The Tran arrived last Thursday and it's a huge job to replace. They did bust a vacum hose and had to order another one that should arrive this morning. Hopefully it will be ready today.
  5. Road is wider and paved. A few bigger turnouts. Still have to watch out for the crotch rockets though, As long as you respect the road you'll be fine.
  6. I guess that was a pretty good approximation. :) Wife and I moved out there from Irvine a year and a half ago. Got a great deal on a new home. Luckily i like to drive. Ortega is a really fun run. At least when you have other drivers who know how to drive it. The C-Max handles that road really well. The loaner is a Chevy Sonic. Not bad on the MPG but it's like driving a tin can compared to the max.
  7. Damn. I thought i had that in the first post. Too many numbers going on in there. If i can remember correctly i have approx. 29,945 miles. Long commutes are always so much fun.
  8. Hi Ashley, So far so good with the dealer. I haven't heard from them since last Thursday but I expected that since the part had to be shipped. I'll call today and see if they have an update for me.
  9. Jmckinley - That's the golden question. I never noticed anything before bringing it in. Had the oil changed and tires rotated 4 times prior with no issues. I can't think of anything that they could've done that would cause this. Coincidence? Maybe. Will try to get an update today. Not holding my breath. It's most likely still in transit.
  10. Thanks Plus 3. I also should've mentioned that on the 5 mile quick downhill in downhill mode when i come to a complete stop at the light at the end of the hill more often than not i can feel the car lurch forward when i come to a stop. Basically the Transmission feels like it pops back into it's normal gear. I think i read something about that being semi normal. I will be pressing Ford for an answer as to why this transmission failed. I don't want to see anyone else having this issue. Hopefully Ford can learn from this.
  11. Wow. that was quick. Thanks Wab. I read through the posts. Not sure if it's a metal on metal scraping I hear. Sounds more bassy like a deep sounding hum rather than a scraping sound. Almost like it was stuck between gears. I'll check with the service advisor when he has more information. Adrian - A new tranny sounds good to me. as long as it's new and not a rebuild,
  12. Hi Everyone, First off, I want to say thank you for all the great information I've read here in the last year. I'm averaging 46.7 miles lifetime with a brake score of 93%. I really love the feel and weight of this car. It drives like a champ. I'm not a hyper miler by any means and I think I drive this guy pretty well. It was actually pretty fun learning to drive a new way. I purchased my C-Max a year ago on 7-7-13 for my commute from Lake Elsinore to Irvine. It's a 50 to 60 mile one way trip depending on which office I’m driving to. I drive Ortega Highway pretty much every day and for those of you who are not familiar with it, it is one of the nicest mountain roads in southern California. Or the most dangerous depending on whom you ask. It has a Sharp climb of about 5 winding miles going up about 1400 ft. and 23 miles of winding downhill (a drop of about 2500 ft.) till I reach the 5 Freeway. Then it's about 12 to 24 miles of normal freeway driving. Driving into work I average anywhere from 58-61 MPG and on the way home it drops anywhere from 43-45 depending on road and traffic conditions. On the way home i drop into downhill mode for the 5 miles of sharp twisted downhill driving. I brought my car in for an oil change and tire rotation on July 5th and after picking it up i noticed the car didn't feel right. It felt as if I was in Low gear and there was a definite hum when pressing the gas. I brought the car back in on Monday morning to have them take a look at it. After about 5 hours the service advisor gave me the news. They agree there is something wrong but they're not sure what it is. After running tests and diagnostics and sending them to Ford Engineers the solution is to replace the Transmission. They said the time frame should be 7-10 days. Thankfully they set me up with a rental at no charge. I was just wondering if anyone here has had or heard about transmission issues. From the details of my daily drive I don't think I tax the transmission too badly. I was just wondering if the transmission issue could just be a one off or will similar driving patterns cause this issue again. I hope it was a one off and no one else will have this issue. This has been public service announcement from C-Max Run
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