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Everything posted by vitalic

  1. Got injector failure at 124k and in 500km from home. reached home almost fine. It was look like injector was working and not time to time. Checked injector resistance - open circuit. Could any body tell me how to change it? Or may be some body have manufacture repair manual or scheme? Thanks
  2. Are you forgot that regen force depends of rpm? Higher rpm - higher regen force, lower rpm - lower regen force, 0 rpm - 0 regen force. So it's hard to block wheels by regen force. And it's easy to check if c-max uses regen in emergency stop - just monitor is there charging impulse in emergency stop or not. I am 90% sure you will find charging impulse.
  3. I talked with previous owner. She told me she had problem with radio for about a year and she were at ford many times to solve problem. Every time they told to her that they changed some modules in a radio but problem appears again and again. She tired to fight with them so she decided to change car. Guys, someone who have service manual, please tell me where is located audio module? Thanks.
  4. There is no problem to use 85 octane at all. 85 and 87 it's same gas.
  5. There is no sense to do not use regen even in emergency stop. Regen will give one more force which will help to stop vehicle. So with regen you will stop more quick and use less distance than without.
  6. I found very interesting info about HV battery http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2015/02/f19/batteryC-Max8698.pdf
  7. Is it possible to get image of this dvd? Here is manual how to remove HV battery http://elvsolutions.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/2014_C-Max%20Battery%20Removal%20Guide%20Final.pdf Here is C-max Hybrid and Energy modifier guide http://www.motorcraftservice.com/content/pdf/2013_CMAX_Modifer_Guide.pdf
  8. I bought trade-in car from chevy dealership as is. So I think I can't ask them to repair it. I could take out radio, but I think it's look like it's bigger problem. I even don't hear signals from rear park assist system. I see on left screen - it's working, but quiet. Is there any manual - how to get access to radio module?
  9. Hello All. I bought used C-MAX 2013 SE. On second day when I drove home I heard very loud strange noise from speakers. Then radio stopped working. On next morning radio works fine, but later I got same problem - very loud noise and radio stopped working. It happened again couple times in next couple days. I tried to remove fuses (67, 69, 79), but when I tried put them back I heard same noise and no radio at all. Then radio started working by it self, then stop again and right now radio doesn't work and radio screen shows only temperature and time -nothing else. I came to dealership to do recall about emission and I asked about radio problem. They told me that there is no warranty on car and they will charge $200 just to look on radio. I declined. Any suggestions? I have simple radio (small screen, no navigation, etc) Thanks.
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