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Posts posted by Hollywoodtx

  1. When I got my car they made it a point to tell us that ours were filled with Nitrogen. It also is stated on our roadside assistance package along with tire caps that are color coded for nitrogen.

    Forgot to add that per our service agreement we can got to the dealer and get our nitro for free.

  2. Most states don't allow it below the AS1 line that's engraved on the glass of the windshield, seems to be TX law: http://www.tintcenter.com/laws/


    I decided to go clear film on the entire front windshield in Arizona.  I want to block as much heat as possible.

    Yes the max line is there but my tint guy was all confused because it was so low it was almost half the winsheild. So after him looking at it we decided. It is the darkest wer could use here in TX so it matched the windows.

  3. Just got an Eyebrow installed on Maxi. We had a bit of a problem at first since the mark for the max placement was so far down the window we had to guess where we would like it. Why would the limit me so low on the windsheild?? Well we picked the perfect spot and it shde so well!!!


  4. Had my C-Max SEL for about a month, 1200 miles so far, getting 39.2 MPG av.


    An issue I took back to the dealer: The fit of the dash, passenger side, where it meets the small side window and the gap between the door and dash is way off, not the same as the driver side, which is nearly flush. the door/dash gap is a finger and the dash to dash (on the top) is a little less. We checked the other cars on the lot and they were all the same.

    Is this normal?




  5. Ok it only has about 142mi on her but my Maxi Rose is a blast to drive. I have been learning how to drive her and I think it has now become a "who can beat who" with my husband. I was able to get 43.6 when I drove her but my husband could only get 35.4...Needless to say he is not happy to lose.


    I will post pics as soon as I can "eyelashes and all" after she gets her tint done!





  6. Well got a call about my c-max and not good. It made it to SA last week but for some reason Ford asked for it back and it was put right back on the rail on it was back to the plant. The dealer said it was recalled??? any clue about recalls???

    Well to say I am one pissy person right now is an understatement. I was told it could be a mistake and it could be back here in less than 1 week or if they haver to have another one built we may be loooking at 6 weeks :( So they gave me a 2013 Edge to drive till all is settled.I so wanted to be driving it this week.....I will just keep reading the posts and take in all that I can till mine is home.

  7. Ok so far I have seen all Iphone problems and noiw not looking forward to when Maxi comes in and trying to tackle the nav/voice stuff. I did the mysync and well looks like they dont like tmobile. Mine is still on the rail on its way but thought I would try and get all my ducks in a row. If you guys are having this much trouble with Iphone wonder what the heck will happen with my windows 8 phone. I know already the traffic help is not supported by tmobile (what mysync told me) and I havent even really started with the fun stuff!!! Phwew thank goodness for this site!

  8. Thanks for all the tips on sirius! My Maxi Red (her new name) is on the rail now and on its way. I wonder if I call Siri at the end of the 6mo. trila and ask for the $300 lifetime if they would do it?? Hell it is worth a try.  I dont know much about the car yet but with you guys in the boards I know I will learn!! Thanks guys.


    Texas gal waiting to get out of the mommy car and into some fun!!! Can hardly wait.

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