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powerstroke cowboy

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  1. With farther diagnosing that included flashing and testing all the control module's to make sure they were working properly. I am about 99.9% sure it's a bad transmission/transaxle. Not sure when I can take it apart to see for sure. But I will be sure to post up what I find out.
  2. Hello all, I have ForScan and I ran it on the car. I picked up two new codes besides the P1A0C. The P1A0C is still present. The two new codes are attached in picture form. Thanks for any and all help.
  3. That's interesting. Ford might not have told me correctly. I wonder if that would have anything to do with a HVB go dead do to the ice not starting?
  4. The post right above mine from Bill-N explains how my car does not have a starter motor that runs off the 12v battery. Just like I tried to explain in post #8. I wish it were that simple. This car had no codes showing that it ever saw 17 volts or more. I called Ford and they say the code "F00317" is for "rough road hardware not present" that could.they said also point to a bad crankshaft sensor. In plan to test the crank sensor this weekend. I used auto enginuity to check for and clear the codes. It's the enhanced ford package. That just means it works on diesels as well. I am working on getting forscan. I will need to pick up the datalink cable to do it. When I get everything I need I will give it a go. Thanks for the input. David
  5. That thought has crossed my mind. The Ford dealer we use is about 100 miles away. So, I plan on exhausting all the simple options before going that far. The hope was somebody on this forum had the same problem and knew the awnser. I do realize it's hard to diagnose things over the internet. Worth a try I figured. Thanks again to all those with input.
  6. The hybrid cars do not have a 12v starter. The ICE is started by one the electric motor/generators and the HVB. I wish it were that simple.
  7. I just checked the battery, with the key off, the battery shows 11.99 volts. With the key on, ready to drive, it showed 14.57 volts.
  8. I checked all the fuses under the hood and they all appeared to be good. In engineering mode with the key on it says the system voltage is 13.8. I have not checked it at the battery. I will do that in the AM and get back to you. Thanks for the suggestions. David
  9. Thank you for the very detailed post and for taking the time out of your day to do so. I appreciate it a lot!! I contacted Ford about the code "F00317" and the lady I talked to said it came up as " Rough Road Hardware Not Present". So I looked it up and the code for that is "P0317". So that left me with some questions. I did learn that it could be a fault crankshaft position sensor. I need to test the one on the car. Now on to what you suggested. I have checked the voltage as you suggested and I am seeing 13.8 volts with the key on. That looks good there. We hooked a laptop up to the car and got two codes. "U0100" and U0293. We cleared them and tried again to start the car. The "stop safely now" triangle poped up as well as the MIL. So we checked the codes again and this time there was one code "P1A0C" it says the failure type is "00". I might have a bad PCM or bad wires or connectors? Don't judge me to hard on the next comment. As for why the battery is as full as it is, is because I took the HVB out and charged each individual cell (76 in all) with a special charger ment for charging the 3.6/3.7 nominal voltage cells. Before this was done the ICE still would not start. The battery was run down do to sitting to long and or trying to get the ICE started. I have tried to start the ICE by your suggestion of turning the car on to "drive" mode and help the gas pedal to the floor (with the car in park) for about a minute with no results. I tried this on more than one occasion. No go. I did make.sure voltage changed as well as the pedal was pressed and depressed. That all seemed to be good as well. Thanks again for your help. If you need more information just let me know. David
  10. Yes, I am a member over there as well. The place does not seem to be very active anymore. This place seems to have more activity. Plus since the Fusion and C-max work off the same basic principles I figured I might find the awnsers I am looking for here. Thanks for pointing me that direction though.
  11. Hello all, This is my second post to the forum, so please go easy on me. The car is not a c-max it's an FFH. Here's the deal, the car will drive In all electric mode. But the ICE will not start. It does not even try to crank. The 12v battery is new and fully charged. The HVB is fully charged as well. This is not an energi, it's a normal hybrid. The code I have is F00317. Look at the picture to verify the code and HVB status. Any and all help would be great! Thanks! David
  12. Just joined and thought I should introduce myself. I have a 2013 fusion hybrid that I need some help with. So I thought now would be a good time to join. I hail from Montana. As my user name suggests, I have cattle and drive Ford Powerstroke's. I will start a new thread for the question I have. Unless it's okay to ask it here. Thanks for having me. David
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