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Everything posted by davidwitham

  1. Best tank for me yet! Mostly highway, but a couple of hours of that were spent sitting in traffic.
  2. I thought I had a 6 month Sirius trial when I bought my car in January, and here it is nearly October and it's still working...go figure. Now that I've stated this, it'll probably go away...
  3. My check arrived today. Bought my car on Jan 6..
  4. 45.3 w 15000 mi. Brake Score 94% Lifetime Mileage never reset.
  5. Here's my last tank...combo hwy/city driving...It's getting better and better as it breaks in. Looks like it's meeting those EPA mileage numbers to me.... ;)
  6. New personal best tank for me...a few more miles on a bit less gas than my previous high, but honestly I think I could have done as well on every tank since I first posted. I think I could have ground this one out to 660 mi, but I was too far from home and without an emergency can of gas. Premium gas on this tank, but I'm going back to regular after having used premium the last 3 tanks and not seen much difference in mpg. This tank was primarily freeway driving.. Think I'm gonna have to stay on surface streets if I wanna get to the 700 mi club !
  7. Second 600 mi tank. SE Model / 42 psi / regular gas
  8. I'm in !! SE model 40-42 psi regular 87 octane no mods
  9. 595 on 13 gal...Almost there...
  10. I'm finding a sweet spot at 65 and just over w the ICE using ecocruise that, according to the gauges, yields just over 40MPG. Lifetime MPG is 42.1..just over 900 miles on the vehicle. I'm liking this car. Very comfortable, and I'm almost 6'7"!
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