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  1. Just by way of reference, here's my 2013 SEL MyView. Sorry about the reflection.
  2. A can of dry gas might help. Cheers
  3. No truer words were ever spoken. In my case, for example, I found out the hard way that the back-up sensors did not work when the 12V battery was failing.
  4. Excellent info and write-up. Thanks for sharing.
  5. If it were me, I'd just replace the 12v battery and see what happens. I don't recall of anyone having a power steering issue that called for replacement. Or a power steering issue at all, for that matter. Cheers. PS: Remember to reset the battery age monitor. Search the forum for info. BN
  6. Also check interior for possible leak around the heater core (although you'd likely smell it if that's the case).
  7. Some auto parts stores will read the codes for you. I seem to recall Autozone as being one.
  8. Probably front wheel bearings. They typically get quite warm/hot when failing. Carefully feel around the wheel hub for unusual warmth. But I'm surprised you didn't notice any noise when you did the brake work. I too hope it's not the transmission. Cheers.
  9. Great pictures. Thanks. Does your car have the original transmission or the replacement? I'm wondering as to when the new part was introduced and thus whether or not those of us that had the transmission replaced might have the updated part. Cheers
  10. Welcome. I'm sure you can be a big help to the rest of us, especially as parts get harder to find. Cheers.
  11. Several folks here have gotten over 200k. Enjoy the car. Cheers
  12. Broken rear shock mounts seem to be a common issue. Fortunately replacement is straight forward. Cheers
  13. Nothing good happens with a weak 12V battery. Try charging it (battery recharge posts under hood on drivers side) to see if that helps. But be prepared for a replacement. Also, search the forum for lots more 12v info. Cheers, and welcome.
  14. For those who may be unaware, the rear hatch cannot be opened if the 12v battery is dead, so do NOT keep jumper cables in the rear cubby.
  15. Not to worry. The car will operate in normal hybrid mode. Cheers
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