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Everything posted by Bill-N

  1. I had the rear-hatch-scrapes-the-left-bumper syndrome (it's in these forums somewhere, but not by me). Fixed during 1st service trip.
  2. Pretty much. My updates were done Tuesday, and Etis is up-to-date as of now. I would guess it's an overnight thing (assuming the Dealer submits the info.). I seriously doubt if it's any sort of realtime update.
  3. I'm a big steampunk fan and although the steampunk wallpaper looks great, it really doesn't work that well in practice; it's a bit too busy in my opinion.
  4. Now there's an oxymoron if I ever heard one. :)
  5. (Emphasis mine) Are you referring to FSA Notice 13C02 - HEADLINER HEAD IMPACT PROTECTION, or something else?
  6. I presume they are simply getting better at doing software updates.
  7. The dealer did a fine job with the headliner; no smudges or anything. Indeed, there's in no visible difference in the headliner. The only thing I deliberately tested was the rear washer and it works fine (no water leaks inside that I could find). Service times are shown on the original thumbnail; less than a day for both. FE update issues: lost EV+ locations is all; no noticeable change in driving behavior. We'll have to wait to see if fuel economy actually increases. I expect it will since we live in a cold climate and tend to make short trips over hilly terrain. Thoughts on both update: no worries, especially since dealer stock has to have the headliner done. My dealer probably "practiced" on them first.
  8. Just had 13B07 FE update and 13C02 headliner fix performed. All is good. EV+ locations are gone; that's the only difference I've noticed so far.
  9. Just had 13B07 FE update and 13C02 headliner fix performed. All is good.
  10. (Emphasis mine) I would try to get the TSB done anyway. I see no point it risking a dead battery. I would rather cross my fingers while talking to service than when I need the car. ;)
  11. I talked the service folks into performing the relevant TSB. In my case, the "at rest" battery voltage increased about 0.5 volts, so the TSB does make a difference.
  12. It's the 12V battery. Effectively, all the cars electronics are 12V and, IMO, the 12V batteries seems to be woefully undersized. The result is very limited time to use the radio, etc., without the engine running. At least the system recognizes the battery drain and shuts down while there's capacity sufficient to start the car.
  13. Allow searching for 3 character words, e.g. LED, TSB, MFT, and so on.
  14. Seriously? Google cmax locking gas cap
  15. Exactly. Moreover, it's not the engineers decision as to what winds up in vehicles; by and large it's accountants (IMHO. I don't want to start a flame war).
  16. Why not have an Engineer meet you "in the parking lot at my office"?
  17. Opps. I meant traffic signal changed from yellow to red in 3 seconds, not pedestrian.
  18. Seriously!?? Counted a yellow light just today: 3 seconds, max.
  19. Effectively, all the electrical controls are 12V. No 12V, no way to tell the HV what to do. Note that there are several possibilities as to the cause of the dead battery. My take is that there are actually multiple causes which is why the "problem" is so hard to diagnose and resolve. Cheers.
  20. I thought the entire car was supposed to shut down, including headlights, before the 12V was run down.
  21. I can shed some light on this, although no reference to a general overview. "do the 12v and HV batteries share any tasks?" Not really."Is the 12 v battery used only to start the car and run the instrument panel, while the HV used only for HVAC and power train?" Generally correct, but with one big exception: starting the engine is done by the HV battery."Is the 12 v recharged solely by the HV battery?" Yes."Does not the engine participate in charging the 12v (traditional alternator)?" No. The engine recharges the HV battery which, in turn, recharges the 12V battery via a DC/DC converter. Hope this helps. Others will add/correct any (mis)information. :) And, some of the above may differ with the Energi. Cheers.
  22. The only thing I can think of is to force EV+, i.e. make the hilltop an EV+ location. Search the forums if you need help with that.
  23. Sounds like Putnum Ford needs to get with the program ("insulated rubber mat and heavy rubber gloves") if they expect to be able to service electric vehicles.
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