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Posts posted by reedmother

  1. Just updating my AC problem. I took it to the dealer, and yes, it does not work. Trouble is, they need a $4500 new special machine to help fix it.  The machine is on order - and they will give me a loaner when the car goes in.  I want them to fix the clock also, but it sounds like they don't know how. I would think Ford would have issued a fix-it plan for the clock since I see that a lot of people are having trouble.

  2. Thanks for suggestions, but I'll let the dealer deal with it. Definetely not working. No cool air coming out. To their credit, they said they would drive a loaner to my house for the 6 days before the appt. Pretty nice!  It's going back down into the 60's tomorrow, so I can wait.  Sounds like nobody else has had this problem.

  3. What I mean is that it doesn't blow cold air. It blows warm air. I hit the Ac button and the display says the AC is on, the fan comes on, but no cool air.  I set it for low. I didn't check the fuse, but I don't know how to do that.  My husband was in the car and we both tried all kinds of things to make it work.  I didn't think there was a trick to turning on AC in a car, and every other car I've had has been easy to turn on. I can't believe it would be from user error.

  4. Turned it on for the first time last week and nothing happend. I tried all kinds of things. Can't believe it. The dealership (30 miles away) will look at it next week. First American car we've had in 30 years. I can't remember ever having to take the other ones back to the dealer. Major bummer and leaves me with bad feelings......

  5. To the 34 mpg on the highway guy. You might have had a headwind. The wind makes a tremendous difference and it has been windy this spring.  We got about that going west on the NY State thruway. The return trip was much better.

  6. What is the "average mpg" number in the center of engage and enlighten that is always on? Right now, that number says 32.9. What does that number represent?  It can't be lifetime since I've reset my lifetime mpg and when I turn off the car it says 38.8 for lifetime average.  That 32.9 number has been creeeping up a bit, but it doesn't change when I re-set the lifetime mpg.   I know it's not trip average or instantaious mileage or lifetime average, so what is it? It doesn't vary - other than going up bit by bit over time.  I'm sick of looking at it......

  7. I ordered an Ice Storm SEL back in late Nov - but my salesman still kept looking around for one, since it looked like there wasn't much happening in the "build" dept. He went out of his way to track one down in Maine and I got it in the beginning of January. I think they figure they will have no trouble selling the one that I ordered. So, for those that are waiting too long, put some pressure on the sales person. 

  8. Yes, when it got to 40 degrees I could make the car get 40 mpg+. I suppose the same thing happens with regular cars, it's just that all these gauges make it so obvious that the milage is crappy when it's cold.  I try not to put the heat on also. The heated seats help with that.  Here is what I don't understand. I live on a hill and can practically coast the 1/2 mile down into town. Why can't the car do that in EV mode when the engine is cold?  Why does the battery need the engine to be warm?  On the 45 degree day, it went into EV mode on the coast down.

  9. I said the very same thing in one of my previous posts on this forum!  I agree, if you make it too much work, the car ceases to be fun to drive anymore.  Each driver has his or her own level of effort that they are willing to put into driving the car.  It will be different for each of us but, for me, ECO cruise does a good enough job and allows me to relax and enjoy the ride!


    Yes, this is the challenge!  Watching the EV mode gauge constantly could be a safety issue, seems to me - but I can't stop it!  Better to just put the display on to something else and enjoy the drive. I'll work on it....

  10. I'm new. Just got the car last week. Could be a stupid question. I like to adjust the temperature a lot  depending on whether I just finished exercising etc. Automatic climate control is not what I want. There has got to be a way to change it besides that little knob.  That knob is too little and has no traction like the sound knob has.  Do I need to set up the voice activation thing?  Will that work?   I don't see temperature controls on the steering wheel or the screens.  I haven't set up the Ford sync or voice thing yet.

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