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Red Rocket

Hybrid Member
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  1. I just bought a 2014 Hybrid SEL - beautiful condition. It was a necessary impulse buy when my previous car (prius) very suddenly cratored. The Cmax has 135K miles and it has all the records. It was well cared for, which convinced me to roll the dice. I found this place in my effort to learn more about the car, and I'm reading horror stories about the transmission. My car was built 6/14/2014. I was SO HAPPY driving off the lot with this little car because it's SO much nicer than the prius; it drives beautifully and it's loaded. I was thrilled. Now I'm a nervous wreck (I'm not wealthy - it was my last dime). There is no history of a transmission replacement in the records, or at Ford.com. The car drives smoothly and silently (perfectly). I hear nothing from the transmission and it seems to behave normally. My MPG is around 37 combined (I don't hybrid-drive) and I'm not sure if that's a concern, though it seems to be charging just fine. So my questions are these: 1. Will the transmission fail suddenly, or over time? 2. Is there any way to know if it's a problem before it's a problem? 3. Should I do the 150K service on the transmission now? Is there a danger in messing with it (if it ain't broke, don't fix it)? 4. I get a very mild (almost indetectable) wooo-woo-woo sound right around 60mph, which is indicative of tire-noise. Could this be more than tire noise - does the tranny wine at that speed if it's in trouble? If it's made it to 134K on the original transmission, do I have a shot at reaching 175-185k? That's all I'm asking of it. I drive <10K/year and mostly in town. Thank you all so much!
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