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  1. I had a period where no texts were read. I deleted the phone and relinked the phone to the Sync control. This is an easy fix and/or may be necessary after major updates to Sync or the phone. No need to skip using either!
  2. Maybe they'll return in the spring.
  3. I would like to see a mould made and a coin repository ridged into it.
  4. My initial reaction to the young man in the TV commercial that the C-max "runs rings around the Prius" was, "SO THAT'S WHY THE TURNING RADIUS IS SO LARGE!"
  5. Actually there's a great descent just before Morgantown that requires trucks to make a mandatory truck stop so they don't build up too much speed and momentum. Use the downhill button! Enjoy!
  6. Installed the Shark fin antenna last week, and love it. A bit pricey, but much cleaner and up-to-date than the black mast. One departure from the installation instructions, though: instead of a blow dryer (which I don't own) I warmed the adhesion area with a microwave heating pad. Perfect! Made installation possible on a 50 degree day!
  7. Would a dribble make more sense if you want more of the fluid to reach the glass at high speed? I'm no engineer, but I do try to puzzle out choices others make.
  8. Anyone interested in doing a fantasy football league for C-max owners? I'm in if so.
  9. I just created a couple of four pane wallpapers. It was easy!
  10. Looks great, Hannah! A fleur-de-lis would look even better!
  11. I'd like the HAL9000 jpg to be my splash screen at boot up, instead of the Ford logo. If anyone hacked that, let us know the steps. I still want a female Australian voice for prompts too.
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