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  1. https://ford.oempartsonline.com/oem-parts/ford-track-assembly-jj5z9961711e?c=Zz1ib2R5JnM9dHJhY2tzLWFuZC1jb21wb25lbnRzJmw9MTcmbj1Bc3NlbWJsaWVzIFBhZ2UmYT1mb3JkJm89Yy1tYXgmeT0yMDEzJnQ9aHlicmlkLXNlbCZlPTItMGwtbDQtZWxlY3RyaWMtZ2Fz That should work.
  2. What kind of shop? Any repair shop even though they may not know anything about ford? oh. Absolutely nothing happens when pushing buttons. No noise either. Just nothing. My back hurts so much I can’t drive it anymore unless emergency. Like getting food. 😞.
  3. Blown fuse. Tried another. Seat has absolutely no power. Checked with volt meter etc. motors are bad techs say at Bowen scarf. But is the track the only thing I need? So I’m ok to get a track only? I know no one can know without looking. But just curious.
  4. I have no idea what the issue is. I only know of this problem.
  5. 2013 cmax sel. Driver seat don’t work. No movement. Dealer says I need a track. $2300. This seems a rip off. I found a track ford oem parts $803. But is this what I need? I know you don’t know without checking. Just hmm. Why such a rip off at $2300? my seat can’t move. It suvks. Hurts my back. Don’t want to drive anymore. The dealer messed it up. They moved the seat all the way forward. How? I can’t fit in it. So they took it back and I told them to move it all the way back. But it’s messed up. Still. Passanger seat is further back then driver seat. So I don’t know if mine can go back more or not. It’s too dang cramped. I have no room. What can I do?
  6. I have the 2013 cmax sel. I have a bike rack on my car. So back up beep is always there. Anyway to permanently disable this sound? when changing shifter to drive the audio stop or ships real bad. I hop in my car. Turn it on. Connects my phone and plays automatically. Shift to backup. Backup noise cus I have my rack there. Shift to go forward and audio from my phone stops or skips real bad sometimes. Ford deal never had issue when I took it in so they’re no help. But it still happens sometimes. What’s a fix? can I possibly get ford to sell my synch 3 and install it? I know it’s compatible and there’s or used to be a site selling it but for an insane rip off.
  7. I’ve never used any app. It’s always just worked till now like I said. It’s not connecting blu tooth audio or the phone really unless I plug in the phone. I don’t use beta.
  8. I have 2013 cmax sel. 15 pro max phone. It’s set up on the system ok. Everything ok. Then today I went somewhere. Everything ok. Went into a store. Came back. Phone don’t work anymore. Nothing changed. System says phone connected in top left of the screen. But on the left it’s not listed. Bluetooth stereo don’t work at all. Phone isn’t listed anymore. Nothing changed. I used to be able to hop in my car and it plays music to my car just fine. Now nothing. I deleted the phone from the system and from iPhone Bluetooth settings. I re paired too. Still nothing. Connect usb is ok. Please help. Please.
  9. So the smell. It’s horrible. It happens when the defrost is on. So I’ve got the air set for inside. The smell is fine. I have the windshield defrost on. And feet on and or the dash on. The air goes automatically to outside air then smells horrible. I can tell immediately when it changes because the air pressure is less. And it smells horrible. I have to turn on inside air again. Then the bad smell goes away and air pressure ramps up a bit. This happens all the time. If I use only the dash front vents this don’t happen. The air stays on inside. No bad smell. Only when defrost is on with feet or center on does it automatically shut off inside air and go to outside air then smells bad. This smell is not outside smell. Because outside is fine. im desperately needing to fix this smell issue. I took car in before and they changed air filter. No idea which filter. Smell maybe was ok for a bit. Then crummy smell again.
  10. How do I get rid of the oil change prompt without changing oil? I still want to wait a bit.
  11. Is there any way to stop this? why does it do this? It thinks it’s too humid or something? Weird. thanks.
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