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  1. This sounds like it might be a cookie issue. Do you have cookies turned off for the forum website?
  2. I don't think this is a universal issue. We had temps in the -teens°F and briefly -20's. Doors unlocked consistently even with my regular leather gloves on. I tend to use the fob to lock as I'm walking away...
  3. I'm curious where you saw the icon/symbol for the GPS with the red X. Not seen this before. Since you re-set the SD card, do you think that had lost it's connection?
  4. Ooops. Missed this earlier. Gotta get her cleaned up a bit (we've been getting lots of little snowfalls, leaving the car really dirty.) I'll get to it pretty soon.
  5. I would have to agree with you, CarpeNivem. I think you summed it up quite well. I find that I use the navigation much MORE than I expected to, and for the most part, works really well. Using a smartphone with Ford Destinations app works for getting an address into the SYNC system quickly at startup. And, voice recognition of POI names (at least while driving) usually sucks.
  6. OK. Thanks. Do you happen to know the rationale (or where I could find it) for *not* leaving it on? I suppose common sense would say that if it could be left on all the time, they would have just built it that way...
  7. Thank you both, drdiesel1 and Laurel. I don't think I've had the ICE spin up, probably because I haven't been on any really significant hills that filled the battery yet. I've used several search terms to try to find if there's a problem with leaving it on in between downhills, but it doesn't seem to have been discussed very much. Maybe should turn it off each time until I can determine if there's a problem with leaving it on.
  8. I'm wondering if anyone has any more insights into this Downhill Assist mode (the switch on the side of the shifter)? In southeast Wisconsin, the hills are quite small, but I find that it can create a significant amount of regen to the battery. I also tend to leave it on much of the time, and it does not seem to hamper FE any. What do other people think? I don't see it being discussed much.
  9. I used Ziebart here where I live, and I am so pleased with the result. Makes the car look much better and reduces heat build-up in the summer. Was able to do a 35% rear and 50% front.
  10. Congratulations on your new C-Max! Hope you like yours as much as I do mine. It's a really comfortable car that you can have a lot of fun in while learning to save more gas and emissions.
  11. I'm just thinking, but haven't checked into it yet (I'm at work), but if you turn off the AUTODIMMING settings in MFT (do you have that?) and just use the manual dimming on the left side of the dash, does it retain its settings then? Since I'm not having your problem, I don't know to actually test it out.
  12. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not finding much useful on that website. Looks abandoned...
  13. I noticed several C-Max taxis when I was in Chicago a couple weeks ago. That was really nice to see. I wanted to ask the driver what he thought about the car, but didn't get the chance.
  14. Fotomoto, I am in Waukesha (suburb of Milwaukee), WI, however, after I ordered, the dealership found my car down in central IL and had it driven up.
  15. Another +1 for my SEL Hybrid with remote start, dealer installed with a separate fob and no settings available in the car's menu system.
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