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  1. And to further clarify, PMI via IDS (or FJDS if you're not at a dealership) will update the calibration on a module if the module is not using the latest version I saw a comment on the cyanlabs discord that someone took their Fusion Energi into a dealership and they said the dealer complained of the module taking 3 hours for an update...which kinda is making me scratch my head because these TCUs are all supposed to have come from the refurbishment facility with the latest calibration But yes per David and I's experiences, if you have a H series TCU and flash the UM calibration on it, you should get value charging back and in general have a fully working FordPass app like you had the dealership do it! You may need to change your first line on your as built to get remote start/unlock/lock to work, David posted the only part that you really need, the 2nd part of the first 4 digits of that line. If you're braver and more frugal than me you could get a K series TCU and try flashing the -UM calibration. Also @David_Tucker4 you should really update to 3.4 ? Thanks to @cr08 for not giving up and keeping this thread updated!
  2. The campaign is outright stopping in May so no, and unless your car is a Fusion Energi you'll need a less common TCU to even do a diy retrofit; given how the part model for the TCU that the Cmax and Focus Electric need is explicitly stated as also compatible for F150s in that popular F150 forum post(H and J from an Escape or Transit), the price even from parts wreckers of that TCU has gone from $90 in 2019 when the post first appeared to $200+ recently while newer K and L series TCUs, which possibly might be only compatible with the Fusion go for much less
  3. For those of you with 2013 cars: I took a peek at a 2013 C-Max Energi electrical diagram and it's the exact same as all other years in regards to the TCU, so I don't think there's any technical reason as to why the 2013 isn't on the list... you're definitely going to be paying for parts and .8hours of labor but there's no difference that I could tell
  4. I tried faking out the dealership tool by running it with the car off but it wouldn't bring up the menu I expected, which is a screen that allows you to manually input in a part number and an as built you want to upload to the module, and which also gets uploaded to Ford (this is a normal trick mechanics use to program other modules that fail on the car, since by default the tool for the init process first tries to pull an as built off the module then reprograms the "new" module with that saved as built) but it just kept saying it couldn't find the TCU and didn't bring that menu up...I suspect if I get my hands on an actual retrofit TCU and run that init process I might be able to change my car into a 4g car in the backend and then I could swap back in my Escape TCU but given how it costs $50 for 2 days of access to the dealership tools and required me to buy a more expensive OBD2 adapter these are going to be expensive experiments?
  5. For the first line I loaded the as built from my original tcu and for the 2nd(as the motocraft website doesn't have the 2nd) I loaded from an officially retrofitted Fusion Energi Not trying to be a downer of course but I think the smoking gun is that even after everything I tried my car apparently still shows as equipped with MFM/is a "3G car" vs that retrofitted Fusion Energi shows as equipped with FordPass/is a "4g car"...that dealership tool init I think is the key to value charging working as it uploads the new TCU part number to Ford's backend and probably does some other stuff. But since that dealership tool init only accepts certian part numbers that corresponds to retrofit kit TCUs we're currently dead in the water ☹️
  6. Again, thanks for all the legwork! ? Given how even MFM , and now FordPass can set (so assumedly push the values from the server to the TCU) value charging times automatically based on what you say who your electric utility is via the MFM website or FordPass app, I always suspected there was a very tight coupling between value charging and the TCU, although now we know of how tight And yeah it would depend on where your K series TCU came from, if it's from a car that used I-CAN to communicate to the TCU it might work...while the F150 guys said that downgrading to J series firmware re enables HS3 they didn't say it re enables I-CAN Which is why I spent more for the Escape TCU, as I was 100% certain it supports I-CAN and David Tucker's experience of course And I dunno about you but even after MFM got it's fresh coat of paint in 2020 it still looks like an early 2010s app, FordPass looks much better and I will admit having LTE makes lock/unlock/remote start work much faster!
  7. Nice to hear from the first brave soul that did it? Unfortunately I'm not too hopeful in Ford re enabling Value Charging for us. I suspect we might have to talk to some right to repair activists to help us apply pressure to get that to happen if the feature continues to be broken. Given how the dealership tools won't run the initialization sequence for the modem (which probably changes our cars from "3g" to"4g" cars in Ford's backend) unless they're official TCU retrofit kit TCUs, at the minimum Ford isn't encouraging people to do the swap DIY
  8. HJ5T - 14G087-UE has FCC ID: LHJ-FAN in it but I wouldn't be surprised if it has similar characteristics to FANW Yeah FCC Part 15 and all that, I'm not surprised that the TCU only wants to be used with Ford blessed antennas, although that Amazon one I have has only 3dBi of gain.. makes sense my reception is pretty low in comparison to the numbers other people post on the F150 forum with their official antennas
  9. I mentioned that I saw a gentleman on the MFM forum post about his DIY swap but given how he didn't have my variable of "broken APIM" yeah it's not a 1-1 experience although he didn't explicitly post that he had value charging Unfortunately my old 3G tcu is dead as a doornail, it doesn't show it's ESN on About Sync and doesn't come up on my diagnostic tools so plugging it in won't do anything ☹️ And yes, disconnecting/losing communications to your tcu greys out the Value Charging button entirely...and I've been informed that per Ford's car database my car still shows up as a 3G car when an upgraded car shows up a 4g car
  10. Appreciate your help! And while I haven't talked to F150 Chief I've been in contact with others on that community. In addition FJDS/IDS didn't like the escape tcu I had, when I ran the PMI process it said "This routine only supports installing a TCU modem upgrade kit. Install the 4g TCU upgrade kit according to the provided instructions" so there must be a white list of part numbers valid for the upgrade. I think at this point I've exausted all options☹️ And while my EVSE has it's own timers so it's not a huge loss it still annoys me that I lost a feature/my experience serves as a warning
  11. That is the As built I loaded onto the unit and I just checked and it looks about right, and the TCU ESN shows up on About Sync... I am really stumped that everything (battery soc, mileage, gas capacity, lock, unlock, remote start, even the cars location) but anything related to value charging works in FordPass and worked even with an Escapes' config in the TCU and that value charging menu continues to be blank even after applying a proper AsBuilt for the TCU and multiple sync master resets, mutiple TCU resets, so forth ?‍♂️
  12. Forscan has a feature to load as built from OASIS so I did that, minus disabling Nav 7D0-01-01 2328 6503 800C 7D0-01-02 0088 1680 0A04 7D0-02-01 5553 0106 C049 7D0-02-02 8200 1000 006D 7D0-02-03 0000 DC 7D0-03-01 0001 0000 00DC 7D0-04-01 0100 0401 00E2 7D0-04-02 0001 DE 7D0-05-01 17A2 1798 286D 7D0-05-02 BE9C 7D0-06-01 805E 7D0-07-01 1104 3300 0027 7D0-07-02 0000 0682 0068 7D0-07-03 0004 306A 007F 7D0-07-04 6446
  13. Sorry for the double post but I re-read your post and I missed this. I crossed checked the configuration from an actual 4g upgraded Fusion Energi with what my 3g modem had before; there's a decoder ring spreadsheet out there and the values in the 4g Fusion Energi config are pretty much the same from the 3g config my car came with minus some values related to the platform of the car. Therefore, its likely that the config on my TCU is correct and heck the configuration doesn't seem to matter considering that pretty much everything but settings related to charging worked even with the config from the Escape. While I have not updated the calibration level (or firmware) of the TCU installed in my car I'm not holding out on that changing anything ? I'm hoping this is some weird issue that only my car has because of some bad luck,and that the dealership tool's activation will fix it but yeah I rather not lead someone down a path where there's a chance they lose a feature even one so minor
  14. (No sarcasm intended here) Totally appreciate all the legwork on this! but I have a totally different issue from the person who posted the Value Charging pic, my Value Charging screen is totally blank (there's no text talking about the FordPass app,the bottom buttons,etc) with the exception of the pencil logo... which doesn't even have the word "Default" in the row, FordPass doesn't show any locations where I charged at, nor do I even get charge logs. No one explicitly said this in the posts I saw regarding the 3G era swaps but I suspect some of those people saw the same thing I did but on their Sync 2 system. Also,unless I somehow missed it, no one with an Energi publicly posted about DIY'ing an upgrade from 2g to 3g so I don't have any past experiences to go on either ☹️ To further complicate this, my car has been in this value charge empty screen state since I switched APIMs from the original older nav unit to a newer non nav APIM. However, my 3g TCU upon the APIM swap was in a weird state that I couldn't get MFM to send the activation prompt, then eventually stopped responding via Forscan... Given how I loaded a config from a non nav car onto the APIM to no avail with my dead 3g or working 4g TCU I have no other ideas beyond some provisioning error on Ford's backend. The specialized reader I need for the dealership activation just came so I'll be trying it out tonight...
  15. I imagine one of the people who posted in this topic would've mentioned it if it didn't work for them
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