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  1. EPA says the average trip length in the US is between 10-13 miles so that's real world data. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels/facts/2010_fotw615.html So's this:
  2. Snowstorm, what if you don't plug in your plug-in? How about if u can plug in at work vs. can't? There can be a huge difference in overall mpg's in these scenarios....... It's a very slippery slope here.
  3. Sorry John that your having a bad time with your cmax. I've only done one interstate trip so far and saw a high on one leg of And a low of 40mpg on the return leg against A constant 30mph wind (my version of hills here along the gulf plains). As they say YMMV.
  4. I have a section on my daily commute where I think I might be able to replicate this. I'll try and give it a shot.
  5. My motorcycle(s) get just as good of mpg as my hybrids and better than every other car I've owned. I didn't realize I've been so privileged all these years.
  6. You will be killing it once you see consistently warmer temps! Also, work on bringing that brake score up.
  7. Interesting find on the gauge holder. The half press of the turn signal causes it to flash 3 times for lane changes.
  8. 13.5gals x 54mpg avg=729 DTE Now subtract the 100 miles you cover and, yup, 615ish left is about right. This assumes you maintain your awesome 54mpg avg.
  9. Excellent results John; however, the point of this thread is to educate by showing through picture proof what the car really is capable of.
  10. Yes, an additional tax on hybrids is truly punishing good social behavior and makes no sense. What's next? I know! How about taxing the tea of Virginia Baptists, Mormons, and other abstainers because they don't drink heavily taxed alcohol? :redcard:
  11. First sentence says (bold emphasis is mine): "If you experience problems with SYNC® with MyFord Touch®, you can perform a master reset. This process erases all stored data, such as call history, text message information, and previously paired phones, and restores your system to factory settings.27" Computer wise I grew up on the windows platform and I learned over and over again that it's best to wipe clean and start fresh. ;) YMMV
  12. I'm sorry to hear your C-Max is sick. Cars with advanced engineering and multiple computers/ecu's can occasionally boot up wrong. In many cases, a restart corrects everything and the mechanics won't be able to duplicate the issue. Hopefully there should be a code(s) triggered to help them since the tool icon came on.
  13. If you run into problems with the new phone, you can try a master rest and start fresh. Personally, I'd go this route. http://support.ford.com/sync-technology/perform-master-reset-sync-myford-touch#reload
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