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Posts posted by otbiker

  1. Recently sold the CMax and have the custom made sisal floor mats for sale in the "For Sale" forum. If anyone is interested, please contact me directly at: otbiker@mac.com.


    BTW, I've owned a lot of cars in my life and traversed many a forum. This forum was one of best i had ever been on. No flaming or back-biting. Just helpful folks all learning new technology.


    Thanks again for all your help in the past year.


    Marty in Kerrville



  2. post-803-0-57931900-1400330973_thumb.jpgMade for the CMax specifically. I hated the little drivers floor mat, so I had these custom made. I really liked that the mat covered the dead pedal. These are fully washable with a hose. Excellent Condition. $75. Shipped free to the 48 states. Please contact me directly as I will no longer be monitoring the board.







  3. I think I'm ready to put some sportier wheels on the C Max. Something a bit brighter in the five spoke variety.


    Anyway, is there any interest from someone wanting the stock wheels? Possibly for you folks who install snow tires? Otherwise, I'll send them to the recycle yard.

  4. Sorry, no photo, but I swear its true...



    I have to brag on my wife... She had a one mile trip to a patients house up on a hill. 17mpg going up the hill. Shut off the car and visited her patient. 


    146.8 mpg when she parked at the clinic at the bottom of the hill.


    My best was 94.1


    BTW, our lifetime average is 43.1

  5. Watched my dealer struggle ALL DAY trying to install 3.51. System said it already had the latest software, but still showed 3.13. After numerous calls to Ford, they asked if a USB drive was installed. Yes, I had a MICRO USB thumb drive plugged in. Apparently this F...ed UP the entire process. Supposed to be ready tomorrow.... 

  6. Heres one I haven't seen...


    MFT locked up and rebooted, however it lost the names on the preset buttons. I forced a reboot using the USB stick with the reboot routine on it.

    Buttons returned to normal.


    On the Home screen, it used to show the current location under the compass in the upper right quad. This no longer appears.


    Is there something I'm missing, or did it just go stupid?


    BTW, 3.13




    Marty in Kerrville



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