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Posts posted by MacGyver

  1.  the optimum gearing for mpg is 75mph, which garners easily 40-42mpg on up to 60mpg, depending on slight downslopes, battery charge, wind, car load, etc.


    You're now putting a lot of qualifiers in here.  You're previous post seem to indicate just driving 75mph was the ideal speed for mpg due to gearing.  


    And I stand behind that previous post, it does seem to be the optimum speed/gearing, and I've added those "qualifiers" as you call them, because they are real world conditions, and as such will and do affect mpg, engine load, ev assist level, etc.


    I added those "qualifiers" in an attempt to be as clear as possible.


    All I can say is try it for yourself, you should see the same increase in mpg if I'm correct about the cause.


    I've seen a similar phenomenon in my Grandma's '97 Lincoln Town Car, which can get 25-30mpg on the highway, BECAUSE once you get up to speed, it's not working hard to MAINTAIN that speed. Her car has instant digital mpg, lots more useful than the bar graph the C-max has, and I can see the same impact on second-to-second mpg slight up or downhill slopes give or take away. And of course neither does that mean that the car gets 25-30mpg average, probably more like 15-18mpg average, but it is a heckuva highway car, she can drive form Los Angeles to San Francisco on one tank of gas, the ride is a big soft pillow and quiet. Almost as quiet as my C-max.


     so usually will set my eco-cruise at 65.5 (as indicated by torque) or as high as 67 or 68, that being a relatively safe speed that will not get me pulled over, and be fast enough to (mostly) keep people behind me happy.


    The 65-68 speed range in eco-cruise been the consensus of the forum for the best possible hwy mpg.


    I would agree, but not for the reason you probably think- a ticket is a nasty way to wipe out $500 worth of fuel savings. But in terms of hard math, 75mph should be optimum gearing.


    Your original post in this thread of getting 59mpg @ 75mph really, really caught my interest as that is the typical legal highway speed here in Texas (rural or interstate) and I thought you might have found some new technique. <shruggs>  Setting the eco-cruise at 75 per on level ground with the a/c on nets me about 38mpg.  I'm hoping with the oncoming cooler weather (sans a/c)  that it will bump that up a few to the low to mid 40s.  


    I would expect that to be a very reasonable expectation and would be surprised if you don't get it! If you don't, check with a clinometer for slight uphills, they can be hard to detect without an instant mpg display. Also, the A/C is probably a factor- we can't really do 75mph during the day when it would be hot enough to need A/C...

  2. I don't have a clue what exactly he's doing or even what he says he's doing.  Is it this (bold emphasis mine)?  "I DO "blip" the pedal to kick it out of full EV into the negative split mode on a regular basis, but the 40-60mpg is in ICE mode (maybe with some EV assist), torque shows EV instant mpg at Torque's max=255mpg, with the higher mpg coming with high battery, level ground, etc."


    His qualifier, "maybe with some EV assist"  sounds like "high ICE" aka "negative split mode" or as the prius folks call it "blending".   What do you think?


    To clarify (because I realized the sentence I wrote is confusing as heck) the 40-60 displayed is ICE mode with (sometimes) EV assist. If the ICE isn't running, (in other words, EV mode ONLY) torque will display instant mpg as 255 since it's not designed to interface that closely with the hybrid system and figure out battery charge-speed-load+charging level or whatever the algorithm would be to figure EV mpg, so 255mpg is its way of saying, "I dunno, crazy high, ok, I'm just a java program, cut me some slack, willya?" or whatever a java program might say in that situation...


    The 42-60mpg jumps around a lot, just like the bar graph does on our dashboards, it's really sensitive to even slight up or downhill slopes, and even at 2am here in Los Angeles I can run out of road behind someone slower so it's hard to say at this early point, I've only recently discovered 75mph=42-60mpg... when I took that screenshot it was jumping between 52-59 with some 60mpg peaks, but I would say that 45-50mpg at 75mph is a solid expectation with higher mpg possible with good conditions, level ground, high ICE, etc.

  3. Sound like you're driving more in the high 60s than 75mph. I was thinking @ 75mph, you're a candidate for a ticket especially on the 395, you can get away with it on mostly the freeways around LA, CHP is not that concerned but they are picky on the 395.


    Questions: So you don't "blip" the pedal to kick it out of full EV into the negative split mode?

    What was the optimal driving strategy/speed on the uphill thru to Tujunga. I got to deal with that and I know GaryM and I have to deal with the moutains on the 14 to Lancaster? Right now its keeping right and a 2 bar burn on the steep stuff. I found burning up at 65mph on those steep grade wasted a ton of gas for not much return in time (based on the driving up the Sherwin grade north of Bishop - same load, and temps). No Scangauge though, this is using the Trip to gauge the fuel used.


    Yeah, I typically keep my speed to a dull roar, so 65-70mph, I'm all too aware (from extensive use of GPS) that speeding doesn't get you there fast enough for it to be worth it, you might save 30 seconds on a 30 minute trip.


    I DO "blip" the pedal to kick it out of full EV into the negative split mode on a regular basis, but the 40-60mpg is in ICE mode (maybe with some EV assist), torque shows EV instant mpg at Torque's max=255mpg, with the higher mpg coming with high battery, level ground, etc.


    For the Tujunga grade, optimal speeds are 70-73mph, I've tested it over and over again, thinking maybe I was coloring the results with personal bias, wanting the C-max to be even more incredible, and it has consistently come to the same result.


    Other % grades may have (and probably do have) different optimum speeds, (but given the number of times my C-max has surprised me, I'm not willing to assume anything until I can actually test it) if you download clinometer and tell me the grade, I'll test that when I can, but the OBD is cheap and easily "installed" so you will probably want to get one for yourself as into it as you are, plus with lots of us testing with them, maybe we can nail down a lot of stuff with the C-max that seems so anomalous.


    And when I say "install" the OBD, it's as easy as plugging it into the slot just under the dash a little to the left of the steering wheel. Literally anyone who can plug a cord into a wall can do it.


    My philosophy about exploring the C-max's capabilities are to try things that are counter-intuitive, since so many people have had so much trouble achieving the mpg claimed by Ford, perhaps they SHOULDN'T drive it like a prius or a "normal" hybrid.


    I fully expect the next software update to include a digital readout of instant mpg- Ford really shot themselves in the foot by not including that, because it's been the most important tool to see what driving styles work! I'm given to understand that it IS available on other Ford cars, so its omission on the C-max is an error.


    In the meantime, get at least the free torque app (I believe it's for both iphone and android) and the $9 OBD2- it'll be the best $9 you've spent in a while, and torque is customizable, there are maybe 100 or something readouts you can select and move around, bar graph, digital, dial, etc. I would still use torque even if they restore the digital instant mpg display.


    Another suggestion (that they seemed really excited about and promised to work on) I had was to not "count" mpg when the car is on for a/c or heating but in park, as I spend a lot of time in my car doing paperwork, phone calls, etc., just sitting, which drags my lifetime average down at least 3-4mpg..

  4. Is it April 1st all ready?  :detective:


    MacGyver, please explain for us exactly what you're doing to achieve this incredible hwy mpg figures besides monitoring with the torque/obd app.   :headscratch:




    Well, when I first got my C-max, it was my first hybrid, so I was driving it as I thought I "should", which meant I was driving slowly, trying to accelerate as slowly as possible, stay in EV mode as much as possible, draft behind semis, etc., but then I was only getting like 30 mpg instant OR average driving 55mph on the freeway, and lots of people were pissed off too, so I sped up and saw that my mpg got better and better the faster I went.


    In order to get instant DIGITAL (vs imprecise bar graph) I decided to go full geek and get the OBD so I could monitor more precisely what speeds / driving styles / drafting / braking / etc., resulted in the best mpg. My first challenge was to determine what was the optimum speed to go up the looong uphill freeway to tujunga where my sister in law lives, since I hated to see 15-17mpg displayed as I went up this hill for 20-30 minutes, so I was determined to figure out this puzzle.


    I tested all the way up to 90mph, but past 73mph, mpg drops off. I also tested at 45-55-65, which was lower than 75mph(22mpg) at about 15-17mpg.


    This started the germ of an idea that maybe the C-max might be more efficient at even higher speeds, it has pleasantly surprised me again and again with the amount of power it has, that it gets better mpg at 65 than 55, despite the long held, mythbuster tested and proven 55mph wind resistance barrier, so I began testing, when I was able to safely in Los Angeles, higher and higher speeds on level road, and lo and behold, the optimum gearing for mpg is 75mph, which garners easily 40-42mpg on up to 60mpg, depending on slight downslopes, battery charge, wind, car load, etc.


    I've also had the update, so the car will even charge the battery such that it will cruise in EV at 75mph. C-max is AWESOME!


    I usually would never speed, the ticket and insurance are too expensive, plus, as anyone with a GPS who has tried to drive faster to decrease their ETA has found, it doesn't really work to shorten your travel time to any large degree, certainly not enough to make it worth the risk, so usually will set my eco-cruise at 65.5 (as indicated by torque) or as high as 67 or 68, that being a relatively safe speed that will not get me pulled over, and be fast enough to (mostly) keep people behind me happy. But it's nice to know that I can keep up with traffic no matter what it's doing and not be hurting myself in the process re mpg. 


    I've also got a clinometer app (by Ramil Matira, BrainLaboratories free in play market, you can even set a Ford Escape as the car that tilts, nice) on my phone so I can see if I'm traveling on even a slight 1% downhill or uphill or whatever, the problem is, it doesn't run in the background, and even on my note 2 I can't have both of them running at the same time, so I will have to memorize the grade on the parts of the freeway I use the most, then check mpg on those stretches at speed via the torque app afterwards and puzzle out the timing/location/mpg later.


    To answer your question, I'm not really "doing" anything to achieve this high mpg, aside from maybe a quick liftoff of the "gas" pedal to engage EV. I will still draft semis, (sanely, from a distance of at least 3-4 car lengths ) but if traffic allows, I will shoot right past them, since they tend to slow down to discourage that sort of thing, and drive too slow anyways, especially now that I am basically getting better mpg without them while getting to drive like a bat outta hell!

  5. Thanks MacGyver!  What was the SOC at the time? I am guessing there is negative split mode in play here?


    Also, can someone confirm this - 59MPG@73.3 (75) mph? If thats proven, that is ASTOUNDING :)


    It is pretty great- I've been seeing it for a while now, so I'm not so astounded- I've gotten 59mpg to malibu from torrance, and 54mpg on return trip, and it makes sense that the higher the gearing, the greater the mpg, up to the point of wind resistance overcoming peak efficiency of ICE engine anyways, and I've easily achieved 70+mpg (72mpg best) by resetting average counter while on freeway just to see peak highway efficiency- most efficient is during traffic so that battery comes into play, moving forward under battery power then regenning that power during braking...

  6. Thanks MacGyver!  What was the SOC at the time? I am guessing there is negative split mode in play here?


    Also, can someone confirm this - 59MPG@73.3 (75) mph? If thats proven, that is ASTOUNDING :)


    While the "high charge" theory is interesting, I don't think it's true, I've asked the engineers about it multiple times, with no positive responses, ranging from "I'm not aware of it" to "probably just ideal conditions" i.e., flat or slight downhill, maybe plus high SOC, maybe plus tailwind, light load/less than half tank=low weight, etc., so I don't pay a lot of attention to SOC- more to a light foot, and accelerating efficiently (briskly but not too fast) up to speed and re-engaging EV- I'll pay more attention in future and report back.

  7. MacGiver,  Could you give a little more detail on the Bluetooth ABD from Amazon so that if someone wishes to buy one he would get the correct one.  Thanks


    Yeah, Torque itself has the recommendation; make sure you buy from a supplier with a good return policy if you order the cheaper ones... just search OBD on amazon, you'll get lots of hits.


    Here's a link to the super cheapo one I bought, I've had no problems at all with it; http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0090ZJPMK/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ($9 INCLUDING SHIPPING!!)


    I guess ELM is the cheapo brand, but I got a good one, as I said, zero problems with it, it pairs easily and stays paired, doesn't interfere with other bluetooth stuff, have had car bluetooth, bluetooth  headset and bluetooth keyboard all paired at once and it works fine/smooth.


    As you can see from screenshot, it shows 0 engine load (ICE) while showing 1910revs (EV motor I guess) so Torque is not quite able to show EV motor load, hopefully that will be added in an update, meanwhile, the "engage" screen shows a bar graph of EV motor load...


    I've also used torque to determine that 70-73mph is best speed for uphill grade, 20-23mpg vs. 65mpg=17-19mpg.

  8. Have verified that 75mph is the optimum CVT gear ratio for max MPG;





    This is actually a bit low, I was seeing 59mpg, fluctuating a lot, this is what was on the screen when I took the screenshot. This is from Torque, an android app (free/paid) that reads data from a bluetooth OBD from amazon ($15 including shipping).


    Originally bought to determine best speeds for certain conditions; there's no instant digital readout accurate to the tenths on the C-max, hopefully something they'll rectify with an update, the engineers were surprised that there wasn't one ( i.e. instant digital readout / actual NUMBERS vs. hard to read / imprecise bar graph) when I spoke with them at the owner/engineer meeting...

  9. If I hadn't seen a C-Max commercial last October, I would most likely have ended up getting a Prius.  The hybrid concept has intrigued me for years, and I was finally ready to trade in my Vue.  But the idea of buying an American made hybrid led me to try the C-Max.  So glad I did.

    Could you tell me what you liked / didn't like / liked better (C-max vs. Vue) about your Vue? I tested out one, and the ride seemed really stiff and not great mpg, like 25mpg, but otherwise nice.

  10. 75mph seems to be the sweet spot for gearing/engine load to achieve 40-50+mpg hwy! 


    I've used "Torque" (free android app) to see a numerical instant MPG, including tenths, i.e., 45.1, 45.9  (which I've asked Ford engineers to add/include in next firmware update, they were surprised there was no numerical instant mpg- guess it was an oversight, and other Fords have it? the focus, etc? anyways they tried to find it in the left hand screen...) and thus ascertain the most efficient speed to go up a 5% grade is 73mph=23mpg, and 75mph seems to be the sweet spot (on level ground) for gearing/engine load to achieve 40-50+mpg hwy. 



    Seems to also be why mpg is higher the faster you go. Within reason. Well, or within air resistance reason. I tested up to 90mph, and wind resistance above 75mph decreases mpg. Unless you were drafting someone else fairly (unsafely) closely (like within 15-20 feet), and that becomes a safety issue and potentially so expensive that a crash would destroy any FE savings. 


    Granted 75mph is risking your dilithium crystals, (getting a speeding ticket) I prefer to set eco cruise at 65.1mph and let people blow steam out their ears if they get stuck behind me rather than constantly adjusting speed in light L.A. traffic or forego cruise altogether, but given this discovery, I feel more comfortable setting the cruise at 67-68mph or so without fear of ticketing and safe in the knowledge that faster is better/more efficient. Sometimes even 70-75mph if I have a front and back door...

  11. <p>I'm not sure this is all of the chat or not, I hit refresh because it seemed like my posts were not appearing, and it seemed to change the look of it completely, so if there's stuff missing sorry- the previous post pretty much covered most of what we learned, though there are a few more nuggets, like my post that I've used "Torque" (free android app) to ascertain the most efficient speed to go up a 5% grade is 73mph=23mpg, and 75mph seems to be the sweet spot for gearing/engine load to achieve 40mpg hwy.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <div>also, you should read it from the bottom up for the proper chronology</div>

    <div> </div>

    <div>That's a wrap. Thanks for participating in our #ConnectFord chat on #EV Thanks to John, Mazen, and Patricia for their time. #EVtalk</div>

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    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 1m</div>

    <div>@Ford Thanks for the chat! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Melissa Au ‏@momsreview4you 2m</div>

    <div>Thanks! Chief Engineer John Davis, Chief Electrified Powertrain Engineer Mazen Hammoud & C-MAX Brand Mgr Patricia Piedrahita #EVtalk @Ford</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 3m</div>

    <div>To hear about future Twitter chats, get exclusive Ford content, & grow your audience, register at <a href="http://www.ConnectFord.com">http://www.ConnectFord.com</a>  #EVtalk</div>

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    <div>12:30 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 1m</div>

    <div>@Ford Thanks for the chat! Always enjoy learning or helping!</div>


    <div> NET Trans Mitchell ‏@nettransdrives 5m</div>

    <div>#evtalk #ford the only thing that your "EV" car allows you to do is walk more @fordmotorco</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 5m</div>

    <div>.@1TallMensan Unfortunately it would take more than just the battery. Best just to buy a C-Max Energi #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 9m</div>

    <div>@Treadmill90210 great suggestion! we will take it back to our gauge engineering team. #EVtalk</div>

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    <div>12:24 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 8m</div>

    <div>@Ford Thanks!</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 6m</div>

    <div>@Ford PleasePlease Please enable the SYNC calendar</div>


    <div> sdaustin ‏@sdaustin 10m</div>

    <div>@Ford The last software update dramatically altered the way I have to drive the C-Max to get the 47mpg mark. #EVtalk</div>


    <div> sdaustin ‏@sdaustin 11m</div>

    <div>@Ford Are there more software tweeks coming for the C-Max? #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 11m</div>

    <div>This chat get too techy for you? Check out our #ConnectFord Hybrids 101 videos at <a href="http://bit.ly/16oKHHV">http://bit.ly/16oKHHV</a>  #EVtalk</div>

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    <div>RETWEETS CrittendenAuto»Billx1000r/minWilliam A. Mattiace</div>

    <div>12:23 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div> Brandon LeBlanc ‏@brandonleblanc 10m</div>

    <div>@Ford I want a Ford hybrid... unfortunately I just bought a new Focus last year though :-(</div>


    <div> Melissa Au ‏@momsreview4you 8m</div>

    <div>Yes for Me, no for @thedadscorner @Ford This chat get too techy for you? Check out our Hybrids101 videos at <a href="http://bit.ly/16oKHHV">http://bit.ly/16oKHHV</a>   #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 7m</div>

    <div>@Ford what if it wasn't techy enough? ;-) Gadgetsage<-supergeek</div>


    <div> Shawn Kenney ‏@1TallMensan 11m</div>

    <div>@ford #evtalk can I upgrade my hybrid battery to an energi battery?</div>

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    <div>12:22 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div> talthompson ‏@talthompson 10m</div>

    <div>@1TallMensan @Ford  That's a very good question!</div>



    <div>FAVORITE Victory Ford </div>

    <div>12:23 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

    <div> Robert T. Shinn ‏@rtshinn 12m</div>

    <div>@Ford In the future, would it be possible to adjust the amount of coasting generation, if I don't want the drag/momentum loss? #EVtalk</div>


    <div> talthompson ‏@talthompson 13m</div>

    <div>@triski05 @Ford #EVtalk OK. Any plans allow us bypass SYNC voice, and go directly to Siri on our iPhones by using the steering wheel switch?</div>

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    <div> bikerchickbarb ‏@bikerchickbarb 13m</div>

    <div>@ford @MazenHammoud My wishlist: dashboard storage for cell phone/keys, better vent louvers to direct airflow, a real spare tire! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Patricia Kellogg ‏@PatriciaKellogg 14m</div>

    <div>@talthompson the only answers I've seen from this #EVtalk isn't from @Ford but from a dealership in Alberta Canada. @Henrikerslev</div>

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    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 24m</div>

    <div>.@GabriellaH99 2/2 ^JD loves the one-handed fold-flat rear seat. All agree the car's super fun to drive. #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 22m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk true! it's one of my favorite places to be! also love the active noise cancellation</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 19m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk suggestion; 2nd lifetime average where we could select "CAR ON, PARKED" mode-I often spend a LOT of time sitting w A/C on</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 16m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk so "CAR ON, PARKED" mode-would not "COUNT" that time 4 ave mpg. I've gotten 70mpg on fwy in stop and go, reg 40-60mpg so I'm</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 15m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk so I'm quite happy with average mpg, but would like to be able to calculate a more realistic average that I get on the road</div>

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    <div>12:19 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 11m</div>

    <div>@Ford @EVtalk the contact phone book can't handle "odd" characters, (i.e. !@#$%^&*()) when will that be fixed?</div>


    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 15m</div>

    <div>Eh? I'm seeing all the Q's but where are the A's? #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Kiki T. Bernawan ‏@triski05 15m</div>

    <div>Yap #BNFC @Ford: Hope you're enjoying the Q&A, we've got 15 minutes left. Keep the questions coming! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 24m</div>

    <div>.@GabriellaH99 2/2 ^JD loves the one-handed fold-flat rear seat. All agree the car's super fun to drive. #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 22m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk true! it's one of my favorite places to be! also love the active noise cancellation</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 19m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk suggestion; 2nd lifetime average where we could select "CAR ON, PARKED" mode-I often spend a LOT of time sitting w A/C on</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 16m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk so "CAR ON, PARKED" mode-would not "COUNT" that time 4 ave mpg. I've gotten 70mpg on fwy in stop and go, reg 40-60mpg so I'm</div>

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    <div>12:17 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 15m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk so I'm quite happy with average mpg, but would like to be able to calculate a more realistic average that I get on the road</div>


    <div> talthompson ‏@talthompson 17m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford Again, Any plansallowing us to bypass SYNC voice, and go directly to Siri on our iPhones by using the steering wheel switch?</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 24m</div>

    <div>.@GabriellaH99 2/2 ^JD loves the one-handed fold-flat rear seat. All agree the car's super fun to drive. #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 22m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk true! it's one of my favorite places to be! also love the active noise cancellation</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 19m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk suggestion; 2nd lifetime average where we could select "CAR ON, PARKED" mode-I often spend a LOT of time sitting w A/C on</div>

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    <div>12:15 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 16m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk so "CAR ON, PARKED" mode-would not "COUNT" that time 4 ave mpg. I've gotten 70mpg on fwy in stop and go, reg 40-60mpg so I'm</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 19m</div>

    <div>Hope you're enjoying the Q&A, we've got 15 minutes left. Keep the questions coming! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Gabriella Harrison ‏@GabriellaH99 21m</div>

    <div>@momsreview4you @Ford fold flat rear seats are awesome!! #EVtalk</div>

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    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 24m</div>

    <div>.@GabriellaH99 2/2 ^JD loves the one-handed fold-flat rear seat. All agree the car's super fun to drive. #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 22m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk true! it's one of my favorite places to be! also love the active noise cancellation</div>

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    <div>12:12 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @Ford </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 19m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk suggestion; 2nd lifetime average where we could select "CAR ON, PARKED" mode-I often spend a LOT of time sitting w A/C on</div>


    <div> Melissa Au ‏@momsreview4you 23m</div>

    <div>@Ford Sounds like you've heard lots of opinions both likes/dislikes today.  How do you hope to address these issues for Ford users? #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 24m</div>

    <div>.@GabriellaH99 2/2 ^JD loves the one-handed fold-flat rear seat. All agree the car's super fun to drive. #EVtalk</div>

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    <div>RETWEET CrittendenAuto»Bill</div>

    <div>12:10 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @Ford @GabriellaH99 </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 22m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk true! it's one of my favorite places to be! also love the active noise cancellation</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 25m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford speed limit indicator size of small postage stamp, needs to be WAY BIGGER, like half te screen, it's too hard to read at speed</div>

    <div> View conversation</div>

    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 25m</div>

    <div>.@GabriellaH99 1/2 we just polled the room. ^PP and ^MH love the brake coach feature. ^PP's even gotten 100% score! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Henrik Erslev ‏@Henrikerslev 26m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk what happened to the Ford People, Other then running an occasional commercial where were their answers?</div>


    <div> Melissa Au ‏@momsreview4you 26m</div>

    <div>Man, I need self-parallel park! lol RT #EVtalk I love many, speed limit indicator? owait, gotta be self-parallel park! @GabriellaH99 @Ford</div>


    <div> talthompson ‏@talthompson 26m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford Ford CMax is by far the best affordable hybrid technology on the planet, shame it's being held back by Microsoft SYNC problems</div>


    <div> Gabriella Harrison ‏@GabriellaH99 30m</div>

    <div>@ford Hey C-Max Team!! What's your favorite feature on the C-Max? #evtalk</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 28m</div>

    <div>@GabriellaH99 @Ford #EVtalk hard to say, I love many, speed limit indicator? owait, gotta be self-parallel park!</div>

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    <div>12:05 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @GabriellaH99 @Ford </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 25m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford speed limit indicator size of small postage stamp, needs to be WAY BIGGER, like half te screen, it's too hard to read at speed</div>


    <div> talthompson ‏@talthompson 35m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford Any plans on allowing us to bypass SYNC voice, and go directly to Siri on our iPhones by using the steering wheel switch?</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 33m</div>

    <div>@talthompson @Ford #EVtalk 2nded but for android</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 31m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @talthompson @Ford would love to incorporate a tablet into the car controls</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 29m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @talthompson @Ford in general, the more buttons, LEDs, switches, knobs, etc, the better I like it. see 1967(?) tbird dash</div>

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    <div>12:04 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @talthompson @Ford </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 26m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford please make bluetooth stream STAY connected (like it did originally), that DELAY when switching back=embarassing!</div>


    <div> Gabriella Harrison ‏@GabriellaH99 30m</div>

    <div>@ford Hey C-Max Team!! What's your favorite feature on the C-Max? #evtalk</div>

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    <div>12:04 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @GabriellaH99 @Ford </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 28m</div>

    <div>@GabriellaH99 @Ford #EVtalk hard to say, I love many, speed limit indicator? owait, gotta be self-parallel park!</div>


    <div> talthompson ‏@talthompson 35m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford Any plans on allowing us to bypass SYNC voice, and go directly to Siri on our iPhones by using the steering wheel switch?</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 33m</div>

    <div>@talthompson @Ford #EVtalk 2nded but for android</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 31m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @talthompson @Ford would love to incorporate a tablet into the car controls</div>

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    <div>12:02 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @talthompson @Ford </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 29m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @talthompson @Ford in general, the more buttons, LEDs, switches, knobs, etc, the better I like it. see 1967(?) tbird dash</div>


    <div> Patricia Kellogg ‏@PatriciaKellogg 32m</div>

    <div>@talthompson @Ford That would be nice for my android too #EVtalk #myfordtouch because my SYNC can't hear commands correctly. BIG problem!!</div>

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    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 33m</div>

    <div>That's a TON less then small crossovers I've priced. RT @Ford C-MAX Hybrid is the lowest in the market at $25,995. #ConnectFord #EVtalk</div>


    <div> talthompson ‏@talthompson 35m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford Any plans on allowing us to bypass SYNC voice, and go directly to Siri on our iPhones by using the steering wheel switch?</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 33m</div>

    <div>@talthompson @Ford #EVtalk 2nded but for android</div>

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    <div>12:01 PM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @talthompson @Ford </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 31m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @talthompson @Ford would love to incorporate a tablet into the car controls</div>


    <div> ❤Shelby Barone❤ ‏@GlitterfulFelt 33m</div>

    <div>What about recycled products? Will more be going into the cars? @Ford #EVTalk #ConnectFord</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 34m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford lincoln town car hybrid? pretty please? ;-) no I'm not joking. woulda bought lincoln hybrid if more trunk space & better ride</div>


    <div> tellis ‏@ellistimothy46 34m</div>

    <div>My C-MAX got the software upgrade for better MPG.  Seems to be worse now.  Can they reboot at dealer? #EVtalk #ConnectFord</div>


    <div> talthompson ‏@talthompson 35m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford Any plans on allowing us to bypass SYNC voice, and go directly to Siri on our iPhones by using the steering wheel switch?</div>

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    <div>11:59 AM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @talthompson @Ford </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 33m</div>

    <div>@talthompson @Ford #EVtalk 2nded but for android</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 36m</div>

    <div>.@GlitterfulFelt C-MAX Hybrid is the lowest priced hybrid utility in the market at $25,995. ^PP #EVTalk #ConnectFord</div>


    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 36m</div>

    <div>RT @Ford @rfruth no it only keeps the battery happy when you're driving ^MH #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Patricia Kellogg ‏@PatriciaKellogg 36m</div>

    <div>@Maclin_Ford currently #myfordtouch #SYNC system is in Lemon Law and I encourage all with that problem to file the same #EVtalk</div>

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    <div> Henrik Erslev ‏@Henrikerslev 37m</div>

    <div>@cookiesANDclogs @Ford @GlitterfulFelt What are they for this year 2013 #EVtalk</div>

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    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 37m</div>

    <div>@PatriciaKellogg  @Ford 522 miles is claimed and, yes, that's a super long drive! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Henrik Erslev ‏@Henrikerslev 38m</div>

    <div>@IronFistJason @Ford Amazing rebate, now wouldn't it be nice to let the costumer know that #EVtalk</div>

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    <div> Melissa Au ‏@momsreview4you 38m</div>

    <div>Great question! RT @ford @Glitterfulfelt Are you getting closer to making hybrids more comparable in price to a gas-fueled vehicle? #EVtalk</div>


    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 38m</div>

    <div>@Ford @GlitterfulFelt What are the refunds being spoken about on the Energi? #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 39m</div>

    <div>.@GlitterfulFelt With newest generation EVs, we've reduced development costs by 25% and continue to work on this everyday. ^PP #EVTalk</div>


    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 44m</div>

    <div>@Ford Your media page claims that one tank can last from LA to the Grand Canyon. I'd love to take you up on that challenge one day! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Patricia Kellogg ‏@PatriciaKellogg 41m</div>

    <div>@cookiesANDclogs @Ford Thats one long drive! They are claiming 620 Miles on a tank? Its a 10 hour drive! #EVtalk</div>

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    <div>11:53 AM - 24 Sep 13 from Chardon, OH · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @PatriciaKellogg @cookiesANDclogs @Ford </div>

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    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 38m</div>

    <div>@PatriciaKellogg @cookiesANDclogs @Ford Grandmas 1996 lincoln towncar can go L.A. to san fran on 1tank 25-30mpg hwy! AWESOME! bring it back?</div>


    <div> Jason ‏@IronFistJason 41m</div>

    <div>With the amazing rebates the Energi have going right now we are getting a lot of sales on them. Great job @Ford #EVtalk</div>


    <div> bikerchickbarb ‏@bikerchickbarb 41m</div>

    <div>@Ford @MazenHammoud Will any 2014 CMax body enhancements be made available for the 2013 CMaxs? Do they impact FE? #EVtalk</div>


    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 41m</div>

    <div>@shanamama9197 @Ford Ha! Please not! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 41m</div>

    <div>.@Glitterfulfelt Are you getting closer to making hybrids more comparable in price to a gas-fueled vehicle? #EVTalk #ConnectFord</div>


    <div> Cindy Schultz ‏@MomMaven 41m</div>

    <div>I wish I had a C-Max to drive to #typeacon this weekend-would save me lots on fuel costs #evtalk</div>


    <div> tellis ‏@ellistimothy46 42m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk My C-MAX got the software upgrade for better MPG.  Seems to be worse now.  Can they reboot at dealer?</div>


    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 44m</div>

    <div>@Ford Your media page claims that one tank can last from LA to the Grand Canyon. I'd love to take you up on that challenge one day! #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Cindy Schultz ‏@MomMaven 51m</div>

    <div>#evtalk My dad loves his Fusion Hybrid I'm interested in the C-Max</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 45m</div>

    <div>.@MomMaven the C-MAX will be a great addition to the family; customers love the fuel economy, roominess & it's fun to drive. ^PP #EVtalk</div>

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    <div>RETWEET CrittendenAuto»Bill</div>

    <div>11:49 AM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @Ford @MomMaven </div>

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    <div> Cindy Schultz ‏@MomMaven 44m</div>

    <div>@Ford yeah, I just need to find a job so I can buy the C-Max :-)</div>


    <div> Henrik Erslev ‏@Henrikerslev 46m</div>

    <div>#EVtalk  I know that there are three functions.  Battery, engine or both but the both function doesn't seam to do anything but burns up the</div>


    <div> TerriAnn van Gosliga ‏@cookiesANDclogs 47m</div>

    <div>RT @henrikerslev: @Ford @cookiesANDclogs I get 26 on pure #EV am I burning it up? #EVTalk</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 47m</div>

    <div>.@shanamama9197 After rejecting the potato battery <img class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png" title=";)" /> we chose lithium ion. It packs more power in less space. ^PP #EVTalk #ConnectFord</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 47m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVTalk when can we use the SYNC calendar?</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 1h</div>

    <div>.@SedonaRaye1 C-MAX Energi plug-in hybrid lets u drive like an EV & for long trips can go 620 miles on 1 tank of gas & 1 charge. ^PP #EVtalk</div>


    <div> judy511 ‏@judy511 1h</div>

    <div>@Ford @SedonaRaye1 drove the c-max hybrid NYC 2 Boston. Great car <a href="http://www.shebuyscars.com/5560-2013-ford-c-max-hybrid-creating-eco-happy-campers/">http://www.shebuyscars.com/5560-2013-ford-c-max-hybrid-creating-eco-happy-campers/</a> … #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Dixieland Mom ‏@SedonaRaye1 1h</div>

    <div>@judy511 @Ford I am going to HAVE to drive this car!</div>


    <div>11:29 AM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

    <div> judy511 ‏@judy511 49m</div>

    <div>@SedonaRaye1 @Ford for sure! #EVtalk</div>

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    <div>11:44 AM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @judy511 @SedonaRaye1 @Ford </div>

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    <div> rfruth ‏@rfruth 49m</div>

    <div>@Ford Does the high voltage cooling fan(s) continue to run if need be after the C-Max hybrid is shut off ? #EVtalk</div>

    <div>Followed by Ford Motor Company</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 50m</div>

    <div>.@shanamama9197 what is the battery technology that @Ford uses for its electric vehicles? #ConnectFord #EVTalk</div>


    <div> Melissa Au ‏@momsreview4you 51m</div>

    <div>For my readers- Have you had a chance to check out the 2014 @Ford Focus Electric Car?  Its a beauty! <a href="http://www.ford.com/cars/focus/trim/electric/">http://www.ford.com/cars/focus/trim/electric/</a> … #EVTalk</div>

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    <div>11:43 AM - 24 Sep 13 · Details</div>

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    <div>Reply to @momsreview4you @Ford </div>

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    <div> Cindy Schultz ‏@MomMaven 51m</div>

    <div>#evtalk My dad loves his Fusion Hybrid I'm interested in the C-Max</div>


    <div> Johnny Lai ‏@VolvoCop 55m</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVTalk in a commute of say 30 miles on the Energi, with 50% highway, should I switch EV off on highway and turn it back on in city?</div>

    <div>Retweeted by Ford Motor Company</div>


    <div> tippytoes ‏@tippytoes 59m</div>

    <div>That is awesome! Thanks! RT @ford: .@svmamas the battery is designed to last for the life of the vehicle. ^MH #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 1h</div>

    <div>Tag your EV questions with #EVtalk and watch this video for a short overview: <a href="http://cot.ag/18nkes3%C2%A0">http://cot.ag/18nkes3 </a></div>

    <div> Retweeted 6 times</div>

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    <div>Ford Goes Electric</div>

    <div>Ford has five vehicles that run on electric technology. It's part of our strategy to make cars that last when it comes to efficiency on the road and to creat...</div>

    <div>View on web</div>

    <div> Melissa Au ‏@momsreview4you 1h</div>

    <div>#EVtalk @Ford I'm not experience w/ an electric car & haven't driven one. Whats the estimated monthly savings this vehicle over gas?</div>


    <div> Maclin Ford ‏@Maclin_Ford 1h</div>

    <div>MT @ford: .@SedonaRaye1 C-MAX Energi plug-in hybrid lets u drive for long trips, it can go 997km on 1 tank of gas & 1 charge. ^PP #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Lube Stop ‏@LubeStop 1h</div>

    <div>#EVtalk How do we avert the chicken & egg of having enough EVs to create demand for more charge stations when they're built based on # EVs?</div>


    <div> saurabh gosavi ‏@spgosavi 1h</div>


    <div>Top speed?</div>

    <div>Distance covered in single charge?</div>

    <div>Passenger capacity?</div>

    <div>Any details on powertrain</div>


    <div> Irene ‏@semi_evilgurl 1h</div>

    <div>@Ford why buy Ford versus Nissan LEAF ,TESLA, or Honda Fit EV? #EVtalk</div>

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    <div> Ford Motor Company ‏@Ford 1h</div>

    <div>We've got C-MAX Chief Engineer John Davis, Chief Electrified Powertrain Engineer Mazen Hammoud & C-MAX Brand Mgr Patricia Piedrahita #EVtalk</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 1h</div>

    <div>#EVtalk does activating "hill mode" generate more current when going downhill? or waste/use power fighting gravity?</div>


    <div> Shawn Kenney ‏@1TallMensan 1h</div>

    <div>#evtalk is there a setting that will allow the fuel gauge to reflect the actual gas in the tank, and not amount minus the "fuel reserve"?</div>


    <div> Gadgetsage ‏@Treadmill90210 1h</div>

    <div>#EVtalk does braking harder generate more current?</div>


    <div> CMaxChat ‏@CraigAShelley 1h</div>

    <div>@Ford #EVtalk Will Ford continue to release free periodic updates for the drivetrain software to improve fuel efficiency?</div>


    <div> Mazen Hammoud ‏@MazenHammoud 1h</div>

    <div>Ask me anything about C-Max Hybrid on our #EVTalk Twitter Chat..</div>


    <div> Jen Banks-ABusyMommy ‏@Jen_Banks 1h</div>

    <div>#EVtalk starting soon with @Ford - I'll be popping in and out - on my way for MVI</div>


    <div> Amber Passey ‏@ajpassey 1h</div>

    <div>@WillPassey you might be interested in @Ford 's #EVtalk chat today about electric vehicles. Starts in 25 min!</div>


    <div> David ‏@bemyax 4h</div>

    <div>The 2013 CMAX takes E0,10,15 >87. Disregarding range, how can we be assured of the best fuel economy? (cents per mile) #EVtalk</div>


    <div>Related Searches: @ford</div>

    <div> Jacob Hernandez ‏@JacobHLegendary 28 Apr 12</div>

    <div>Hate within will Eventually destroy the hater. Try me if you want too! Pop those contacts out and see what's real! #EvTalk @EvelynLozada</div>


    <div> asiaone motoring ‏@asiaonemotoring 23 Nov 11</div>

    <div>@toukou You're not worried about electric charging points in Singapore? Lack of infrastructure at the moment? #EVtalk</div>

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  12. just had 3.5.1 update done, and only tested liftgate kick one time (dinner waiting) but it worked flawlessly, where before it was a 50/50 thing, even pressing the button on the dash or the liftgate button itself, half the time it would just unlock, but then required another press/kick to lift.


    Touchscreen is a lot faster too, which is nice, it was excruciatingly slow before... bluetooth streaming still seems to disconnect each time you switch to another audio source, which means a delay in switching back, (displays; "connecting to bluetooth audio" and the little spinning dandelion which means it's doing something) which is annoying, as it used to just stay connected, you could check am/fm radio, sirius, etc., and just switch back if nothing good was on and be listening to your phone media instantly.


    Is there a place / forum / email we can make suggestions to Ford? 


    I was hoping this update would fix the streaming bluetooth stuttering/cutting in and out/skipping/tempo speeding up/slowing down but it didn't, though the instructions left by the tech explained what the problem was, "odd" characters such as emoticons (;-),:-p,!@#$%^&*();':"<>?,./ etc.) in the contact phone book (these things mean stuff to computers, and for some reason, the SYNC computer is reading the contact phonebook as if it were code, which screws up the bluetooth timing/causes too heavy a load on the cpu. My thousands of contacts might have had something to do with it as well...).


    I deleted my whole phonebook from the car, had thousands of customers in it, and it NEVER displayed who was calling correctly anyways. That fixed the bluetooth stuttering/cutting in and out/skipping/tempo speeding up/slowing down immediately.


    Kind of disappointing that my $700 phone has 4 cpus, and my 35K car only has one.... Maybe the 2014 C-max will have TWO!

  13. just had 3.5.1 update done, and only tested liftgate kick one time (dinner waiting) but it worked flawlessly, where before it was a 50/50 thing, even pressing the button on the dash or the liftgate button itself, half the time it would just unlock, but then required another press/kick to lift.


    Touchscreen is a lot faster too, which is nice, it was excruciatingly slow before...

  14. Streaming Bluetooth stuttering SOLVED- just got my c-max back from the 3.5.1 update, and my Streaming Bluetooth stuttering problem was still there.


    The problem was; some emoticon or odd characters in my phone book, or too many contacts. I just deleted my entire phone book as it was thousands of contacts, and NEVER displayed who was calling anyways...


    Found this out by looking at the papers the Sync guy left in my car with instructions on re-pairing my phone. I will post pics of the details later after dinner.


    Apparently these "odd characters" or excessive contacts can cause this, slow navigation recalculation, displayed time jumps, audio popping, etc.

  15. Late chiming in here, but have a story to relate.  I have no issue with people who park out in the boonies and take up two spaces to ensure their doors don't get dinged, as long as there is sufficient parking, I think that's fine.  However, a few years ago my husband was eating his lunch in his truck in a grocery store parking lot and witnessed a kid pull up in a shiny new black flashy sporty thing. The kid parked diagonally at the front of the store, blocking not just 2 spaces, but 2 handicapped spaces, then he sprinted into the store (no handicaped plackard displayed).


    A few minutes later an elderly woman pushed her cart out of the store and eyeballed the flashy car across 2 handicaped spaces.  She loaded her groceries in her car, which was legally parked in a single handicapped space, then she pulled a sleeve of saltine crackers out of one of her bags.  She crushed the crackers and proceeded to drop the crumbs in a circle all around the flashy car. She never touched the car but she was smiling a lot as she left.


    In minutes, the entire car was surrounded by and covered in grackles, and they proceeded to cover this car in bird poop.


    Karma. hehehe.

    That is absolutely brilliant. There will be crackers in my car from now on.

  16. From what I've seen, taking 2 spaces is like a magnet for people to mess with your car. Everybody is going to notice.  They will still park right up on you, key your car, leave nasty notes, etc.  


    Best just to park far away and hope someone doesn't try to park right up on you anyway. 


    a) it makes me sad that this is true.


    b) I've used the tactic of parking juuuuuuuuust bad enough (in boonies) that it doesn't look like I was TRYING to take 2 spaces, but with one corner of the car far enough into the next space so they kind of have to straddle two themselves to park next to you... gives them permission to park that way, if the whole row filled up, everyone wins, everyone has plenty of clearance to not get dinged, I hate those a-holes who drive crappy old cars and secretly like to ding your car- because you represent someone/something to them?

  17. I'm thinking you might be right on that, That's the way usually do it.


    I dunno, watching the instant mpg while going up a long hill to tujunga, there's not a big difference between mpg at 65mph and 75mph, and if you're spending about the same amount of gas and doing it for less time, and getting there faster, seems like faster is better.

  18. Interesting idea on the trash bag solution.  I'm going to give it a try.  Currently I'm using the door pockets for dry refuse only but would rather have a solution for moist things too.


    I believe the ducts under the seats are for heat only.  The rear passenger cooling vents are routed through the center console.  I have some spare change in the hidden shelf of the console and it gets very cool to the touch so, yes, those tubes could also benefit from insulation.  


    I kinda remember reading that somewhere too, but I've tested it with the A/C on, and you can definitely feel cool air coming out.

  19. Ford's eCVT does not change gearing ratios.  It is a planetary power-split type trans. similar to Toyota's, but with larger electric motors. Here is a description:



    From the article you linked to;


    "If you're wondering why the word "gear" still appears in the explanation of a CVT, remember that, broadly speaking, a gear refers to a ratio of engine shaft speed to driveshaft speed. Although CVTs change this ratio without using a set of planetary gears, they are still described as having low and high "gears" for the sake of convention."


    Unless you have a better suggestion of something that would more accurately describe changing the gearing ratio that uses two words or less?


    So again I ask, does anyone know if the gearing ratio changes in respect to how hard you brake so as to provide more rpms to charge the battery faster?

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