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  1. Thanks for the replies. Think I'll test it today.
  2. Thanks for your reply. It's about 18 months old. Hopefully not going out again.
  3. Hello gang, Been awhile since I checked in. I did a quick search, but didn't see anything, so here goes. Several months ago Car Play started acting weird. Sometimes it would display and work, other times nothing. I tried different cables, swapped to different connection points, nothing helped. Now it's been a month since it's worked at all. I can play music from my phone, via the cable, but the Car Play stuff never displays. Not sure if it's related, but the garage door button on the visor no longer controls the door either. This is on a 2018 Titanium. Anybody else dealt with this yet? Thanks!
  4. Update 12/05/2024 Been awhile since I've been here. Life... Just wanted to include some info. I don't even pay attention to the lifetime mpg that's constantly displayed. It's always about 2-3 mpg better than reality. I hand log and calculate every fill up.
  5. We're on our second CMax hybrid model. First a 2013 SEL, and now a 2018 Titanium. We have never gotten under 40 mpg. Just filled up today and got a little under 45. I've hit 50 mpg twice, and usually get 45-46 consistently. It will drop to lower 40's in winter. We don't try to hyper mile, I might do a little pulse and glide on occasion, but normally just drive regular. I don't understand why some people would get such bad mileage. I've never seen it.
  6. Well I found the connector behind the dash and disconnected it. Buzzing is gone now. Wife is happy, skys are blue again. However, I hear much more of the engine noise now. I have an extended warranty through Ford. Might talk to them and see if they have a newer repair for the issue. If I find out anything, I'll let everybody know. Thanks for the help people!
  7. cr08. Thanks much for the ANC info. I recall the dealer doing something with that on our 13 model years ago. I'll do the procedure and see what happens.
  8. Hello people, Been awhile since I've been here. We have a 2018 Titanium with 30,000 miles that's starting to drive my wife crazy. When we start off driving, usually when it's cooler, we hear a buzzing noise that sounds like it's coming from the passenger side rear door, or the B pillar. It is also speed / rpm related and I'm pretty sure it does it while the engine is running. It's almost like the exhaust is buzzing and transferring the noise into the door. I've turned off the radio to rule out the small speaker in the door being an issue. Anybody else been blessed/cursed with this issue?
  9. Update Reinstalled it and got it working. ?
  10. Thanks for the reply. That is for the older MX adapter. I purchased the newer model MX + one. It works on my car and IPhone with other software, just not working right with ForScan. ;(
  11. Thanks for the reply. That's actually where I started my journey. ?
  12. Here's a copy of the info I posted on the ForScan help site. Too early for any relies there yet. Anybody using ForScan that would like to advise me as to what I should be seeing, how it works, ect, feel free to jump in here. Thanks New purchase and trying to use this for the first time. Using OBDLink MX+ 2.0 STN 2255 v5.6.11 ELM327 v 1.4b Installed Forscan Lite from the App store, v1.511, kernal v 2.3.41, on my IPhone SE running IOS 14.6 I can see the adapter in the bluetooth section of my phone. It says connected. I have made sure that the phone is not BT connected to any other device. I also see that the rapid flashing of the blue light on the OBD connector becomes a solid light as soon as it pairs with my phone. When I press the connect button in the app, I get the error message, "No adapter found. Please check connection and try again". Sometimes when trying to connect, the progress dial spins clockwise. hits the stop, bounces back to the 4 o'clock position, then goes back to the bottom stop. It will just continue that for 5 minutes or longer. Now for the crazy part. When I click on the vehicle icon, I can see a lot of info there. Clicking on the errors icon, reveals a long list of items that seem to have "passed", a few yellow triangles, and a red X that says adapter not found. None of the other icons reveal anything when clicking on them. If the adapter "is not found", how in the heck is all that other info being transferred to my phone? Was my download of the program corrupted?
  13. So I went back to the app store and downloaded OBD Link. Got the device to pair with my phone, and was able to download the enhanced pack and was able to use the program. Didn't see anything showing the state of charge for battery, just fuel consumption, water temp, rpm, etc. Exited that app, tried to use the Forscan lite again, and got the error message again. No adapter found. I was able to see the device as OBDLink MX+ connected in my bluetooth list. WTH? Is there another Forscan app I should be using? Just went back to the App store. Saw there's another Forscan viewer app for Ford, but it also says the Lite version has more functions available.
  14. There is a button on the device that you press to pair it to the phone. I've done that, but it never connects. Bluetooth is turned on, I've done a hard reset on the device, rebooted the phone, nothing....
  15. I wish the bed was longer than 4.5 ft. I had a Honda Ridgeline pickup with an 5.5 ft bed that I sold a few months ago to buy a GM Sierra with a 6.5 ft bed. If they should make one with a longer bed, I'd be interested.
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