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Virginia is now taxing Hybrid car owners an additional tax


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Here is some maddening news.  I live in Virginia where the Governor just passed a law that requires owners of Hybrid cars pay a yearly $64 tax.  I really don't understand the logic in taxing people who are doing good.  It makes sense that Hybrid cars don't use as much gas but come on….When Hybrids first came out the government was giving a tax break?  Okay I just thought I'd vent a bit.

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Here is some maddening news.  I live in Virginia where the Governor just passed a law that requires owners of Hybrid cars pay a yearly $64 tax.  I really don't understand the logic in taxing people who are doing good.  It makes sense that Hybrid cars don't use as much gas but come on….When Hybrids first came out the government was giving a tax break?  Okay I just thought I'd vent a bit.

I would move!

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Here is some maddening news.  I live in Virginia where the Governor just passed a law that requires owners of Hybrid cars pay a yearly $64 tax.  I really don't understand the logic in taxing people who are doing good.  It makes sense that Hybrid cars don't use as much gas but come on….When Hybrids first came out the government was giving a tax break?  Okay I just thought I'd vent a bit.

I wonder if it's because they are losing money on Gas taxes.

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ptjones I thought about moving but changed my mind.  I've just accepted it because it probably won't last. Initially I was angry but it made me want to drive faster and that defeated the purpose of the hybrid ; )

zhackwyatt your exactly right they are losing money.  

You're right Jaz it would be interesting to see the originators of the bill.  

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Got a car that is a gas guzzler? Gas Guzzler tax

Got a hybrid in VA? Hybrid tax

Buy a car?  Sales tax

Own a car?  VA property tax

Buy gas?  Gas tax

Ride in the VA HOV lane? Pay annual fee for Clean fuel tags

So basically owning a hybrid to ride in the HOV lane is going to cost a minimum of $64 for the tax plus another $25 for the plates...


This hybrid really pays for itself!


Basically, no matter what, you gonna pay.  


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It was 17.5 cents per gallon.  It looks like they are trying a new strategy to pay for the infrastructure in VA.  They are eliminating the 17.5 cent retail tax and adding a 3.5 cent wholesale tax.  The "Hyrbid Tax" was first proposed at $100 per vehicle, yet it's changed a couple of times since.  It is now sitting at $64 per vehicle.  It seems like the additional fee was an attempt to cover taxes that they aren't able to collect on high effeciency vehicles.  I think the initial target was mainly fully electric vehicles.  If you read the bill, it seems that they expanded that.  I think the first attempt was to tax non-gasoline powered cars for the full $100, then someone added the hybrids.  An understandable outcry occured and they have reduced it to $64.  The debates are still ongoing and I foresee some further changes.  They are estimating that Hybrid vehicle drivers are paying approximately $45 per year less than non-hybrid drivers in VA.  The additional $19 seems to be an attempt to cover the portion that they believe will be saved by fully electric car drivers in future years.


There are still some major debates ongoing with this and I think there will be changes still.  I think the $64 is a bit high and they should raise that money in another manner.  On a good note, the price per gallon should go down and the vehicle sales tax is going down a little as well.  As an out of state driver that goes to and through VA quite a bit, I will be happy to pay less per gallon in VA instead of in NC :D


In NC, the last Gov tried to add all kinds of taxes and fees on our transportation system to make up for more effecient vehicles.  She was trying to add a mileage tax and several others.  Thankfully, most of them didn't get pushed through.  We already pay quite a bit in taxes in comparison to other states for our vehicles.  Instead of a sales tax, we get to pay every year. 


As vehicles become more and more efficient, the Government will find a way to make their money!

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People deserve who they vote for...you're worried about a gas tax on hybrids....try living in good-ole CA...we have one of the highest gas tax aside from HI....and it doesn't get any more screwed up than this state...and the people here keeping voting for "more Sir".....what the hell am I doing here.... :angry2:  


Had to vent as well  :sos:

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If more people used bikes they would. They want their money, plain and simple.

I don't mind paying tax but when its miss spent ABSURDLY and then they come back each year with "its for the children...its for the firefighters...its for the teacher", I have a real problem with these outright lies....yep no one calls these ding bats not even the press which cease to exist.


Yet, these low info voters keep voting these buttheads in each year...nothing will change until everything goes over the cliff. 






We now return you to your normal CMax channel where we have some lovely purple flowers growing on the side of the road.... :)

Edited by Jus-A-CMax
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Bad news folks...   The politicians, and the Feds at the Federal Highway Administration, would like to replace the existing Federal gas taxes with a "Miles Driven Tax" of $.018 per mile.


"With fuel efficiency increasing and more hybrid and electric vehicles on the roads, LaTourette said the miles tax would be a fairer way of sharing the costs of using highways than the gasoline tax, which is based on the amount of fuel purchased." 


See Here for the full article. 

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Why should the roads be paid for only by those that drive on them? Everybody benefits from the roads, whether they drive on them or not. All of the goods people purchase are transported at some point over a public road. I do not have kids in school, yet I still am required to pay school taxes, which is fine, as it helps maintain a high quality community and keeps the value of my home up. The same principle should apply to the infrastructures we all use and benefit from. I think gas taxes should be removed and replaced with a general sales tax dedicated to maintaining the transportation infrastructure. This would spread the burden across all who benefit.

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