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Dead battery and power electric steering


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Hello all,


My son went away for the weekend with the C-Max about 2 hours away. On Saturday he went to go somewhere but the power locks wouldn't work. He used the key to get in and discovered that the car wouldn't start. He got a boost from a friend of his and was able to drive off. The next day he was leaving to come home, and the car started fine, but he had no power steering.

As a precaution, we had the car towed to the dealer close to home.

Today, they did confirm that a new battery was needed, as well as a new power steering rack.

Now, I've seen other posts regarding this and others have mentioned that if the battery is too low it won't power other systems in the car (like initiate the power steering module).

Anyone have any insight? I asked them.to just try to hook a battery up to it and see what happens.

Don't really want to sing another $3000 into this car (2013 C-Max).


Thanks in advance,



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If it were me, I'd just replace the 12v battery and see what happens.  I don't recall of anyone having a power steering issue that called for replacement.  Or a power steering issue at all, for that matter.





PS:  Remember to reset the battery age monitor. Search the forum for info.   BN

Edited by Bill-N
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Thanks for the reply!


So we had the battery replaced and the power steering works as it did before. The dealer was saying that we.still needed a new steering rack as it 'clicks' during turns, which we already knew about previously (known issue with the leaky gaskets on the rack).... they still charged us almost $200 for a 'diagnosis ' of the steering (pulled codes for 'high friction detected).

Anyway... leaving it at that.


Thanks again!



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Just an update on this:

Picked up the car today from the dealer. Drove off the lot and had about a half hour drive to my destination. The steering as what it was before we brought it in (power assist worked) but still had the 'clicking' when turning corners. About halfway there the steering started to feel a little stiffer, but I thought it was my imagination.... then the red 'Service Power steering now' message came up (in red). The car was still ok to drive though.
Then I parked the car at my destination. Half hour later got in, and bam.... no Power Steering at all. 'Service Power assist Steering' message is displayed (in yellow).

So, I can only assume that the codes were cleared at the dealer (high Friction in steering) but have now reactivated after the car has run a couple times. So, it seems that it's a PCM or module that cuts power to the steering module once the code is set, because I would think otherwise the power steering would still work.

SO.....looks like either I replace the steering rack, or junk this car.... with a brand new battery ... 😞
Just seems weird that ever since the battery went kaput the steering issues came up.



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