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Incompetent/corrupt Ford dealer

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I took my 2013 Energi to the local Ford dealer to get the suspension worked on, and to take care of a few other things.  They did the suspension work just fine, but then the fun started.

In the process of replacing my right front turn signal bulb, I had somehow disconnected the windshield washer reservoir from the pump, so I asked for them to fix that.  My horn worked when it was cold outside, but not when it's warm; this smells like a loose connection somewhere.  One of my tires had a one-week leak (that is, it needed more air every week).

They wanted to sell me new tires.  I rejected that, even though the tires are rather worn, but asked them to just fix the leak.


They wanted to sell me a new horn, for a couple of hundred.  They wanted another couple of hundred to replace the windshield washer.  Worst, they couldn't find the leak.


I can think of only three ways for them to miss the leak: the order writer assumed I'd buy new tires, so didn't ask for the fix; the tech assumed a tire sale, and didn't check; or the tech couldn't find a freakin' one-week leak.  None of these instill confidence.


I went to a nearby tire+repair place (a regional chain called Sullivan's), ordered four new tires (Goodyear WeatherReady, I'm tired of wheelspin in the rain), and asked them to look into the other things, giving them all the info I had (ie, just reseat all the horn connections you can reach).  The result: four new tires, no charge for the other repairs.  Since I plan to drive this car until it dissolves out from under me, I didn't cheap out on the tires, so perhaps Sullivan decided that the tire profit covered the other stuff.  In any case, they're my go-to for everything except recalls from here on out.


I heartily recommend against Acton Ford for anybody in the Boston suburbs.

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