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I love my new C-Max but have not figured out all data screens. My wife thinks that when we first got it there was a clock on the center console. The only one I can find is the one in the lower right corner of the RH drivers screen.

Can anyone help?

Thanks, Doug

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Hi Doug, and welcome to the forum. If you have one of the *newer* C-MAXs that were built after mid February, you should have the SYNC version 3.5.1, which would have a clock in the top center of the main screen. The older versions of SYNC have the smaller clock on the right info screen.


If you have the newer version, there may be something in the settings menu to bring the clock back to the main screen. I've not had 3.5.1 long enough to play around with it. I bought my car in November, so it had the older version of SYNC.


I'm sure someone else will chime in here.


Good to have another Michigander on here!!

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Thanks guys.

I went to etis.ford.com & found my build date of 4/29/13 and lots good info on my car. I have a lot to learn, I'm still on my 1st fuel-up. I joined fuelly.  how do I get it to show up on mt post?

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OK... I found the clock. The little gear symbol at the bottom of the screen brought up a menu that included "clock".

I'm still working on the fuelly thing.

Good thing you guys aren't as dumb as me.



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So, you did not find any outstanding service items.  Then based on your build date, you should have the latest MFT update 3.5.1. Is the date currently displayed on your MFT? On the clock screen you have the choice of selecting either the date or the time to be displayed at the top of the MFT screen.  

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