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I'm so glad this is not us


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I read an article on CNN.com last week titled, "Is Twitterverse the Angriest Place on the Internet?" I don't Tweet. I'm on Facebook because a lot of my friends and family who live at some distance are on there, and it's a great place for us to share pictures and family info in almost real time. I enjoy keeping up with everyone there. And I'm here because............well, all y'all know why I'm here. So I had to read the article about Twitter to see what they were talking about.


Apparently, on Twitter, if something the least bit controversial is posted, the place goes nuts. Example: A young woman of Indian decent is crowned Miss America and Twitter goes crazy. Ben Afleck is the next Batman? Twitter explodes with venom. The article went on to say this negativity is not limited to Twitter, but is evident on news site comment boards (which I have seen) and other social platforms, which I assume means the likes of us. It said the spontaneousness of the site creates a culture of impermanence....*those* people are't real.


I am so glad this does not describe our group. I KNOW you are all real, and I celebrate your uniqueness. Sure, we have our differences of opinion, but not the mean-spirited comments referred to in this article. For the most part we agree to disagree, and respect our differences, different strengths and abilities, and learn from each other.


I know I've learned from all of you.


Thanks for being *Us* not  *Them*.


Off my soapbox now.

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