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In the end....I am buying an extended warranty and driving the car till the wheels fall off


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Yeah I am the guy that is pissed at Ford for depreciating my C max before its time. I am also the guy that is averaging 43.6 MPG for just about 29,000 miles driven with a 96% brake score. I am NO PT Jones, Matt or the top FE guys here but I am better than your average C Max driver and I drive my car as a traveling salesman. I need to drive a lot of highway and I need to be on time to make my appointments. So sometimes FE be dammed.


So I do tend to own my cars to +100,000 miles as evidenced by the following if my memory serves me right... I count only Fords I have owned:


1990 Taurus 3.0 V6  = +140,000 miles (retired)

1995 Windstar 3.8 V6 = +177,000 miles (retired)

2001 Escape 2.0 V6 = 56,000  miles and this is my wife's primary driver

2007 Edge 3.8 V6 = 137,000 miles company car (no longer with company so turned that one in)

2013 C Max 188 hp = 29,000 miles and counting


BTW NONE of the Ford's I owned EVER had an extended warranty until this C Max which indicates my intentions to run her till the wheels fall off.


now here is the most perplexing question I ask myself each time I get behind the wheel of the C Max. If I had a do over would I by the same car TODAY with the choices I have right now??


The answer is always a resounding YES. The only close option I would consider is the Diesel Chevy Cruze hatch back not released yet for sale. VW can stick it in my book too many small issues I dealt with them on with my past 5 VW cars I owned. Plus their cost of parts are outrageous.


I love the C Max and wished the Fools in the engineering and Marketing department take a minute read and learn from these boards......stupid to take on Prius on the mileage issue alone...just plain dumb.



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