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How Did You Learn About The C-Max?


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You guys are watching the wrong TV channels, I'm seeing plenty of ads for the C-Max. I can't recall exactly which shows I saw them around, but I'm more likely to be watching something like the Discovery channel, or perhaps National Geographic, which is probably where the advertising execs think most C-Max customers are going to be.

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We tried a regular Fusion and sort of like it and decided to wait to test the Fusion Hybrid.  I saw some info. on line about the C-Max and I called the dealer and asked her to let us know when a C-Max came in.  She called at the beginning of October saying they had one.  It was a SEL loaded with panorama roof.  We loved it and ordered ours.  It arrived 9 days ago.  We are seeing C-Max ads nights on the six o'clock news time slot.  No newspaper ads yet though.  And we have yet to see one on the road in Greater Vancouver other than ours.  Ours was the first one sold by the dealership.

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Another convertee from the Fusio Hybrid to the CMax, I see....said the blind man, lol.


If I had the money and the Energi was available, I would have jumped on that car instead. However, I still luv DA MAX. The only thing now is that I am babying it to get as much MPG as possible and getting passed by the Prius. There are tons and tons of Prius here in this city. I am amazed at how many I've noticed lately. Another silly story, I was sitting behind a Lexus 200H (or whatever that Lexus version of the Hybrid was) and that sucker took off and I enjoyed staying on his scrawny a$$ tail. It's silly I know but i thought i would have fun, now and then. Oh...it flew totally fast in the hybrid world, not.


Back to the normal channel....

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We went to the Texas state fair back in October, mostly to look at cars.  Our '96 Lexus is just about used up (yes, we like to keep them till the wheels are falling off).  Other than that car, our last 5 have all been Fords.

Anyway, we had no idea what we wanted, what was out there, and hadn't given much thought to a hybrid.  We certainly had no idea the C-Max even existed.  Looked at a LOT of cars, started thinking hybrid, then saw the C-Max toward the end of the visit.

It was apparently not even a retail-ready model, and was locked.  But we did get signed up for the Ford $50-back test drive promotion.

A few weeks later, we test drove a C-Max, then a Prius-V.  No comparison - the C-Max (and the dealership) won hands-down.  We came back a few days later and ordered a C-Max.  Today's it's scheduled build date.  Should be here Christmas week.

(Blue Candy Metallic, Stone interior, base SEL model.)

We'll be coming from 18 MPG, so even if we get 36 we'll be happy.  Plus all the new tech that didn't even exist back in '96.


Now my '96 Ranger and my son's '99 ZX2 will have another Ford in the driveway for company. Got another $750 off for still owning a Ranger too.


If I hadn't been actively looking for a new car, I'm not sure I'd know today that the C-Max existed.  I've seen NO ads on TV.  Even the end of year Ford ads that list the whole lineup don't say a word about the C-Max.  Why is that?

Hello neighbor and welcome to the club, I live in Allen and work in Plano.

Edited by darrelld
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