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How many miles on your C-Max?


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6 hours ago, homestead said:

Are the tires noisy?

For the first 2k miles, my opinion is that they have slightly higher road noise (white noise) than the OEM Energy Savers Michelin but they are much quieter (and a bit smoother) at same inflation pressure when running on road imperfections (bumps, potholes, reflective pads).


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7 hours ago, ptjones said:

Let us know your MPG's with the new tires.



MPG did not improve with the new tires, I think it is about 0 to -2 MPG on the first 2k miles, so I would not recommend them if mileage is your ultimate goal. I have to say I got the tires based on lower price (50 less per tire), much better snow traction than the OEMs (confirmed based on my trips to the Mountains), long thread warranty, good overall ratings from tirerack.com.

Edited by olidx
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  • 3 years later...

I have a 2013 C-max that I bought new.  It crossed 300,000 miles just 6 days short of its 10th birthday (the day I bought it).  I have not had any issues with the High Voltage Battery.  Fearing the imminent collapse of the big battery is my main source of stress due to the miles on this car.  I should also point out that My engine was replaced due to hitting a chunk of concrete in the road that did no body damage but went underneath and cracked the engine block at 180,000 miles.  My insurance would only pay for a used engine with similar miles, but my dealer could only find an engine with 40,000 miles on it.  So although my High Voltage Battery has 300,000+ miles, the engine Only has 160,000.  I hope to get 400,000 miles out of this car, but I will be happy if it makes it to 350,000.  I should also mention that I live in Michigan, but lived in Colorado for 4 years with this car.  So, it has always been in a cold climate, and has been garaged I would estimate 97% of its life.  I think the moderating conditions a garage provides has helped preserve Big Battery and also the fact that it gets driven every day.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
On 5/4/2023 at 9:02 PM, OPhoenix said:

I have a 2013 C-max that I bought new.  It crossed 300,000 miles just 6 days short of its 10th birthday (the day I bought it).  

Wow 300k that’s great. 
Have you had the transmission replaced under warranty?



I’ve only got 75k on my 2016 SEL Hybrid. Only issue is the backup Camera started flaking out, need to get that fixed. 

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On 5/4/2023 at 9:02 PM, OPhoenix said:

I have a 2013 C-max that I bought new.  It crossed 300,000 miles just 6 days short of its 10th birthday (the day I bought it).  I have not had any issues with the High Voltage Battery.  Fearing the imminent collapse of the big battery is my main source of stress due to the miles on this car.  I should also point out that My engine was replaced due to hitting a chunk of concrete in the road that did no body damage but went underneath and cracked the engine block at 180,000 miles.  My insurance would only pay for a used engine with similar miles, but my dealer could only find an engine with 40,000 miles on it.  So although my High Voltage Battery has 300,000+ miles, the engine Only has 160,000.  I hope to get 400,000 miles out of this car, but I will be happy if it makes it to 350,000.  I should also mention that I live in Michigan, but lived in Colorado for 4 years with this car.  So, it has always been in a cold climate, and has been garaged I would estimate 97% of its life.  I think the moderating conditions a garage provides has helped preserve Big Battery and also the fact that it gets driven every day.

Your HVB isn't going to die it will slowly lose range instead.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Purchased new in Sept 2014 C-Max Hybrid SE. 122000 miles, 75% city, 25% highway. Had the RH lower control arm replaced under warranty at 20000 miles. No other major problems. All routine maintenance done by self. Drained and refilled transmission fluid at 90000 miles. Fluid looked good and no metal shavings. 

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, Lacienega said:

2014 SEL has 195 k miles now, all original. Changed trans fluid myself at 150 k miles, oil change every 10 - 15 k miles with full synth oil.


Wow, amazing!  How dirty was the transmission fluid at 150k?


My daughter has my old 2013 SEL with 80k , and no repairs so far.

My son has 2016 Energi with 85k and no repairs so far.  Doesn't go as far on battery only though.


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4 hours ago, Lacienega said:

The transmission fluid actually looked like new but I believe it was a little bit low because I've added like 1/2 Liter more than I've drained

My plan is to change both our trans fluids around 100k.  Without any leaks, I'm expecting to add more than is removed due to "heat evaporation" from use (although I remember older transmissions having some venting option that cause some minimal loss).


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  • 2 months later...

208K miles on my 2015 so far.

Brake pads, rotors, tires, tie rod ends (Minnesota potholes)

Still gets 40 MPG with cruise control set at 70MPH on 5 hour drives across Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota.

Love this thing.

Wish they woud make them again.  I would buy one in an instant.



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  • 5 weeks later...

2015 SEL Hybrid now has 506K miles as of today.   

I use full synthetic oil.

Michelin Energy Saver tire tread changed and the OEM ones are discontinued.  Such a bummer as my mileage has decreased to 40mpg from 44-45mpg with mostly highway miles.  Anyone else experience this?  Anyone tried another tire brand for hybrids that maintains a higher mpg?


The most common repairs have been lower control arms and tie rod ends/tie end rods;  a couple of times it was under warranty and presume its because the CALIF pothole roads and coolant container plastic cracks twice so far. 


The upper Radiator hose, 12V battery, CV boots, struts/shocks, steering column, Valve gasket cover or reseal, under the hood battery at 75K, brake boost/booster replaced at 120K, hatchback latch replaced, and normal fluid flushes routinely changed have been repairs completed since purchased new.  


The vehicle still has the original brakes all around and last measured at 6-7/12.  


I discovered when I did a 4000 mile road trip, it seemed to be good for the hybrid battery pack.  This was a concern initially, but its still the original one and last tested as good. 


I have loved the vehicle's lower frequency of maintenance and longevity, although it seems higher price wise, but everything does nowadays. 


Many people ask me twice what my mileage is, lol.  


I only use OEM parts as most are still available overall.   I made this decision based on the a prior vehicle going from local mechanics to dealer OEM only repairs had fewer repairs over the long term.   Maybe I've been lucky with great dealers and service advisors that have been honest.      


I did switch to Castrol EDGE 0w/20 high mileage full synthetic oil. 


My challenge now is to find a comparable tire to Michelin Energy Savers OEMs that have been discontinued.   I would love to hear any replacement tires other have tried and had success without a reduction of MPG.  


NOTE:   a local Michelin wholesaler told me since there are fewer small hybrid vehicles with OEM Michelins being manufactured, Michelin decided to create one Energy Saver Green X for crossover SUVs and made it compatible for CMAX and similar cars.  My mileage tanked 5-10mpg, depending on the weather and CA puts crap in their gas during the winter months, so it decreases a bit anyway then.     

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On 2/17/2025 at 11:22 PM, cimarrons said:

2015 SEL Hybrid now has 506K miles as of today.   



That's amazing, could you post a screen shot of your mileage?   Would love to see it.



I discovered when I did a 4000 mile road trip, it seemed to be good for the hybrid battery pack.  This was a concern initially, but its still the original one and last tested as good. 


I'm not sure i understand what you mean by this.  could you clarify? 

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  • 4 weeks later...

144,000 miles on my 2016 C-Max Energi SEL. I am the second owner.  I've owned it since 93,000 , and it just had a few issues. One a cabin air pump, and the other is a auxiliary coolant pump. 

Overall, the vehicle has been solid otherwise, and I intend to use it as mostly an in-town vehicle as we have 2 other vehicles for the two of us. 

This vehicle is no Toyota Prius but it is more luxury than that vehicle. If you need lowest cost I am sure the Prius can't be beat. 

I think one thing that is not well understood out there is, if well cared for, the vehicle's (expensive) battery pack is not a reliability concern, I did think it was, it should not be. I still get 18-19 miles of charge even at these high miles. I may run it another 4 to 5 years and move on to something pure electric.

Edited by fxo
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