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2018 titanium cmax with 25,000 miles and just recently, started getting an audible (ear-piercing tone) whine that sounds like it's coming from the passenger-side interior seat/ceiling area).  This is new and not the typical hybrid vehicle electric whirring/whine coming from the wheels or engine.  This noise is faint, but is the perfectly wrong pitch to make it piercing and does not change with speed.


Thanks for any relief,




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Searching this forum makes me wonder if this relates to the ANC (noise cancelling) plug.  Anyone with a 2017 or 2018 cmax experience this?  I will look underneath my glovebox and try unplugging this if the noise continues.  It makes some sense b/c right now it seems to emit from the passenger side ceiling microphone, but will double check...




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It would almost have to be something with the ANC or Stereo Greg, not sure if any other system makes that sort of noise, whiny capacitors are annoying but not ear deafening.


Modern cars also have a lot of wind buffeting noise say if one window is rolled down but not another -- but that is not what you are describing.


Hope it works!

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