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  1. fbov

    Oil/Filter CHANGE Schedule!

    And yes, you will get an oil change message at 10K or 12 months, whichever comes first. I see no reason for the annual change, unless you drive so little that you'd go several years. In that case, I'd test to be sure your oil is still working. As long as the pH buffer is working (TBN>~1), you're likely fine. Note that the new Escape Hybrid does oil changes by ICE miles. At 10K miles on the oil, it said I had 40% left... exactly my %EV over that period. I'm at ~15K miles now, and the car says I have 800 miles left before it's due. This is consistent with my last C-Max oil change, which went 2 years and still hadn't made 10K. Bov Oil Data 191105.pdf
    1 point
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