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  1. Ask yourself, am I comfortable with changing the fluid at 120k or 150k? Will it help at 120k? Maybe, maybe-not. Will it hurt to go to 150k? Again, maybe, maybe-not. What really counts is what results in you feeling good about your level of upkeep. I changed mine at 100k, despite the manual calling for 150k, 2013 SEL, mostly because it was what I felt good about based on my personal experience from 40+yrs of car upkeep. Trusting your gut may help and in this case is doubtful to hurt. The oil changes a 3k by a lot of folks is a holdover from 30+yrs ago, and a lot of people will not change what works for them. Thanks for the read.
    1 point
  2. Obviously, any "Ford shop" on Youtube has a lot more engineering knowledge, testing and experience than Ford (sarc). Some folks would change engine oil every 3k miles - all a waste of money and the environment.
    1 point
  3. David McC

    Automatic Rear Hatch

    I don't think it's really possible, as with a key nearby you can unlock the car by grabbing the front door handle or opening the lift gate. If you want to risk having someone get in, you could probably hide it up in a fender well with a magnetic box. you could probably hide it somewhere inside the car, like in one of the bins in the rear foot well or in the rear compartment. I'm not sure if the car will lock with a key inside though. Personally, I wouldn't risk it. I keep my spare key in the house in a safe place.
    1 point
  4. rjam

    Automatic Rear Hatch

    Mine has always worked perfectly. When I use it I raise my foot with a slight swing. If I have the hatch open I have never had it come down. I have it open when I vac and clean with my feet moving deck and forth. I do not think any measure needs to be taken. Enjoy the convenience without worry.
    1 point
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