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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2023 in all areas

  1. Right, when it's depleted, the battery switches to showing only how much of the hybrid range of the battery is filled. That said, I have been able to charge the battery back up into the EV-only range by taking a long downhill run and parking at the bottom, turning the car off. When I turn it on again, it had enough charge that I can switch to EV-later and play our OCD games to get more charge. When it's switched to EV-later mode, it won't deplete down into hybrid-only mode. EV-later mode operates as a "normal" hybrid, only with the target charge whatever the charge was when you switched into EV-later mode. Some of us (*ahem*) pay attention to the charge numbers and rotate from EV-later around and back (tap the button three times) to nudge the target up. Hilly terrain (gas uphill, recharge downhill) and decelerating from highway speed (stoplight, offramp) can garner a few percent of charge at a time, leaving more charge in the battery for the "last mile" once you're off the highway or onto the flat.
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