To clarify, the more accurate way to gauge the battery health of these vehicles is to see the actual kwh used from a full charge. There's no other way. Ford doesn't have any internal data points on these indicating battery health. Don't rely on the 'miles of range' the vehicle gives you as this can vary significantly depending on certain factors and isn't an accurate depiction of battery health.
Here's a brief rundown of the test process:
1) Fully charge to 100%
1a) (optional: Reset a trip meter before taking off)
2) Drive the vehicle in EV mode ONLY. Do not drive on the highway or use cabin heat/defrost or anything else that may cause the engine to start. If the engine starts during this test, the numbers are immediately invalidated.
3) Once the battery is depleted and drops to hybrid operation you can either view the kwh used on the trip meter or bring the car to a safe stop, shut it down, and view the trip summary displayed.
5.5kwh is what is considered brand new capacity from the factory. Above 4.0 is still 'good/ok'. Anything less starts getting into solid degradation.
Anecdotally: My 2013 with 90k miles is around 3.5kwh or so capacity now. It still drives with no issues and nets me in the range of 12-15 miles on a good day.