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  1. Took my car to dealer and they said they dont do update, said I have to do myself. Don't know how to do it. I don't think my dealer really knows much about the Cmax.
  2. I have 2013 hybrid sel. When I accelerate or slow to stop it whines. Sounds like an ambulance is beside car. Anyone else have this problem?
  3. We have 2013 cmax sel. First oil change at Ford they used 5w20. Just had second oil change and noticed on sticker they used 0w20. Thought that was for the 2014.
  4. Here in Kittanning, PA, I saw a Quest Diagnostic Cmax on rt 28.
  5. I'm not sure why the reduction. Probably because of warming up the engine. We run air all summer.
  6. We have had our Cmax since July 2013. Last year our lifetime average was 42.5. Over winter it went to 40.0. Very, very cold snowy winter here. It is now moving up at 40.5. Most of our driving is at 65-70 mph. We make at least one trip per month to Md from Pa. Very comfortable drive. We are very happy with our car.
  7. Called to cancel after free trial. They offered 5 month renewal at 22.00. Renewed! Does not include travel link.
  8. No VIN. From Ken Czubay VP U.S. Marketing Sales and Service. Strange the letter is dated Oct 30, 2013 and just recd today. From ford motor co
  9. This charger is not Energi specific, but you would think Ford would know we have a Cmax Hybrid.
  10. We received package and letter from Ford dated October 30, 2013. It congratulated us on our purchase of Cmax Energi, enclosed was a power stick USB portable charger as a gift with their thanks for our purchase. Only thing is, we do not have an Energi!!! Did anyone else get this? The stick provides backup sourc of pr for Mobil devices and contains 8gb USB flsh riv preloaded ith videos regarding Cmx Energi.
  11. I do think dealers should train you to drive the cmax, but I learned way more on this forum than they still know. We got our oil changed and got car inspected yesterday. I asked if they reset oil change monitor, of course they did not. When we bought cmax, I asked about the key in the fob missing, told them they had to order, they did not even know it should be there! They have only sold 2. I don't think they know anything about them. I hope we continue to have no problems!
  12. Yes, we love our cmax, lots of room, very comfortable ride, beautiful inside and out. Great my ford touch. Only thing we don't like, lots of dirt on back end. Would definitely buy again!
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