skwcrj I see you are on this forum too. I currently have 1463mi with 720EVmi. with about 50% 55mph 50% city. Trips less than 4mi hurts mpg, My drive to work is only 2.5mi so this hurts over all mpg. My average so far is 44.4mpg. It's looking like my TOCGO mod (tape off center grill opening modifacation) is helping mpg, probably about 1mpg so far. It takes awhile to train yourself to get the most MPG out of the C-MAX. You drive this car quite differently than Escape Hybrid and Prius. As you can see other members are getting MPG all over place, is all about driving technique,the cars are the same. One suggestion to all C-MAX owners to check odometer with GPS to comfirm accuracy. Mine is off by about 1.5% or upto a mpg to the better.