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  1. Sorry you didn't get any responses. Did you find out what the cause/culprit was/is? I'm dealing with a general increase in noise from the front end of my 2013 (111,000 miles) while driving above 40-50 mph. Basically it's "engine noise" but much louder than before. Doesn't seem to make a difference if the car is on electric or gas.
  2. My hybrid has 180,000 km (112,000 miles) and over the last month, I have noticed a significant increase in noise from the engine compartment (typically while driving over 50 mph). I'm going to investigate (maybe wheel bearings?) but would be curious if owners of higher mileage C-maxes have noticed a change.
  3. So no problems for 10 years with my '13 Hybrid, apart from needing to replace the 12V battery last year and replacing the injectors about 4 years ago. The other morning, I started the car. Heard the engine running quietly. But then when I shifted into R, there was no power to the drivetrain. Then a warning light popped up, "Pull over immediately and stop engine". Turned off the car. Tried again. Same thing. After 4 attempts the engine sounded like it was revving higher and everything worked. Drove off and no problems since. It was about 3 Celcius/37 Fahrenheit and the battery indicator was reading low. Not sure if either played a factor in the temporary non-driveablity. Curious if anyone else has had his problem. I'll probably plug in my code reader tonight to see what comes up.
  4. Dang. I definitely love my automatic tailgate, but I could learn to live with regular struts, given that price. Have you thought about checking a wrecking yard?
  5. Great post. We bought a 2013 Hybrid. The lack of trunk space in the Energi was a deal-breaker for my wife. But we also didn't have the extra money at the time. I know the trunk has expanded somewhat in later model years. Our Cmax has never let us down. Great reliability, apart from an injector failure around 120,000 km., which I fixed myself. I would buy another Ford in a heartbeat.
  6. I can think of a few things that bug me about the car, but the turning radius is about 3 out of 100 on the importance scale for me. Overall this car has been a 9/10 for me. I had to replace a bad injector about 3 years ago (decided to replace all four) and the horn stopped working due to rust/corrosion inside the connector. Compared to Audi and BMW that I have owned in the past, I have been amazed that the car is so reliable.
  7. Hi folks, I recently changed the oil in my 2013 Hybrid. About a week later, I noticed oil on the bottom of the engine and on the black metal retainer that lies under the transmission. No oil higher up on the engine, as far as I can see. 1.Usual suspects all checked: oil pan bolt, oil filter etc. everything is fine. This is motor oil, not transmission fluid. 2.zero oil leaking when car is parked. It seems that this is only happening when engine is on. The annoying thing is, these damn cars can't be revved up when parked, so I can't get someone to stamp on the gas pedal while I look to see where the oil is spraying out. I'm 90% sure it is the oil pan gasket, which I have just learned is actually RTV silicone. But grateful if anyone else has experienced something similar to this.
  8. My horn has not been working (intermittently) for about a month. Last week it stopped working altogether. I found out that inside the two plugs attached to the two horns, the metal connectors were heavily corroded and surrounded with moisture. It has been cold and snowy here in Vancouver, Canada. I used a toothbrush, alcohol and Q-tips and now the horn is working fine. Covering the outside of the plugs with silicone, Goop or grease might be a good preventative measure.
  9. This is a Canadian site, but they call it a fuel line disconnect tool: https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/fuel-line-disconnect-tool-0252017p.0252017.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAmO3gBRBBEiwA8d0Q4spnpdkW3mrhJELzf6LjZsQ3MfNMvS5CbAcA4T0gxR9f9AihjRcReRoCVEMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#store=603 To be honest, I didn't have time to confirm the injector was dirty, stuck or simply bad. But it would make sense to check it out.
  10. Using the injector cleaner after the engine light started flashing and all those error codes came up? No way.....#3 injector was done. I suspect the earlier engine shuddering was caused by the injector being on it's last legs. Maybe #1 too. In any case it made sense to replace all four as it only cost $160 in parts and the car is almost at 60K miles.
  11. Problem fixed. The vibration seemed to get better for awhile, so we didn't bother with the injector cleaner. Then a few weeks ago, after a 30 minute drive on the highway the engine light started flashing and I experienced a rumble from under the front wheels. Fortunately it was only 5 minutes to home. OBDII indicated #3 cylinder misfiring and injector open. I decided to replace all four injectors as they're only $40 each (Motorcraft CM-5148) Fairly straightforward but I recommend you buy the special tool to disconnect the fuel line from the fuel rail. They're about $5-10. Car is running like new now. Smooth as silk.
  12. Well the Volt is getting old, and the Bolt is a much better car. Range anxiety isn't what it used to be for electric car owners, with all these charging stations around. What depresses me is that GM and Ford are focusing on SUVs and Trucks because they sell better. Maybe they should invest in coal mines and tobacco fields.
  13. Lifetime 44 mpg, mostly city driving, since we bought new in March 2014. A very quiet and refined car and until recently (a fuel injector died) zero problems in 4.5 years of daily driving. The best car nobody's heard of.
  14. Ok, so have removed the cover and unplugged all the injectors and various sensors around the fuel rail. Only problem is I can't see a way to easily disconnect the fuel line from the fuel rail. There is a small metal tube leading from the fuel rail into a bell shaped metal connector. I don't know if I can just pull the fuel rail out of this bell shaped receptacle or if that will damage anything. It doesn't appear as if there are any other connections further up the fuel line. Any help appreciated! (UPDATE: ) Figured it out. It's a push on style fuel connector with four little tabs inside the "bell". You can get a disconnect tool, but I just took a 3/8" length of PVC tube, cut down the middle. I jammed it in the bell part with a screwdriver and the two tubes came apart. Job took me about two hours in total. Removal of the fuel rail, with that rat's maze of cables, was the only daunting part of the job. Speaking of rodents, I needed to vacuum out some droppings from around the top of the cylinder head. I guess it's pretty cozy under the air cleaner cover when the mercury falls. Car is back to running smoothly. Incidentally, a Ford dealership in Vancouver wanted to charge me $140 CAD for each injector. I found them for around $40 USD online out of the States.
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