tim... here is the one I drove.. http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=605911909&listingRecNum=1&criteria=feedSegId%3D28705%26rpp%3D50%26isDealerGrouping%3Dfalse%26sf2Nm%3Dmiles%26requestorTrackingInfo%3DRTB_SEARCH%26sf1Nm%3Dprice%26sf2Dir%3DASC%26stkTypId%3D28881%26PMmt%3D1-1-0%26rn%3D0%26zc%3D22182%26rd%3D50%26crSrtFlds%3DstkTypId-feedSegId-mkId-mdId-pseudoPrice%26mdId%3D49085%26stkTyp%3DU%26mkId%3D20015%26prMn%3D0%26sf1Dir%3DDESC%26prMx%3D20000&aff=national&listType=1 I think if I went in with a $20K check I coudl get it...... yeah the regular prius with the flying bridge inside is "odd" but with powered leather seats it is comfortable. the one thing about the prius v that I did not like, when the seats are folded down in the back, its not as finished looking the seat gaps and such. but the normal prius and c-max the rear hatch area seems more finished a few bucks and attention to detail to the prius v woudl have been nice... was impressed with the pep of the c-max., totaly different feel than the prius... My car before the prius was a 2010 Chevy HHR with the 2.4l i4. so from a power to weight ratio the prius was similar to the chevy....I love performance, but i also understand with a hybrid, we aren't looking for 0-60.... On the c-max all the buttons on the center stack were also very distracting... and not looking forward to having to stick a garmin in the car...A few months with built in NAV was pretty nice... for $1000 more... I could get a new 2014... http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=newcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=607396969&listingRecNum=0&criteria=dlId%3D435707%26feedSegId%3D28705%26rpp%3D50%26isDealerGrouping%3Dfalse%26requestorTrackingInfo%3DRTB_SEARCH%26sf1Nm%3Dprice%26stkTypId%3D28880%26PMmt%3D1-1-0%26rn%3D0%26zc%3D22182%26crSrtFlds%3DstkTypId-feedSegId-mkId-mdId%26mdId%3D49085%26stkTyp%3DN%26mkId%3D20015%26sf1Dir%3DASC&aff=national&listType=1 been reading on the site and it seems that the c-max has had some "teething" problems for a new model..