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Posts posted by Fits2at

  1. I just had a guy this morning doing the tailgating and hitting his hand on the steering wheel.  I was on a very busy 4 lane road with lots of stop lights.  I always make sure I am doing the speed limit and the guy in the SUV behind me just couldn't deal.  I stopped for a red light and he hit his hand on his steering wheel.  Unfortunately he was turning the same way I was.  Finally, he turned into the bowling alley as I continued down the road.  Must have been late for his league game. haha

  2. We bought our SEL 303A package out of dealer stock and it had the glass roof on it.  I love it.  In the winter time, it helps to warm the interior of the car by letting the sun in.  Keeps me from having to use the heater so much.  My other cars have had sunroofs which I would use to vent the car but then close once I was up to speed. 

  3. In the Indianapolis, Indiana area I highly recommend Ray Skillman Ford in Greenwood.  Very nice dealership.  Salesman wasn't pushy.  I think I knew more about the car than they did but I tend to investigate things heavily before a purchase. The questions I did have they were able to get answers for.  Now if I could only get that cargo mat they promised me.  Apparently it's still on back order.

  4. I have been away from the forum for a couple of weeks.  The week of New Year's I was sick with bronchitis.  The week after that, I had to go to Florida to help move my parents who had sold their house.  I got back on Friday the 11th.  Well, Saturday the 12th proved to be a beautiful and VERY warm day for January.


    It got to 69* here in the middle of Indiana in the middle of January.  Those days don't go un-appreciated. 


    So in my travels during that day, the WORST I averaged in mpg was 56!!!!  I had no HVAC on and I had my window down. I had 1400 miles on the car and initially I was thinking that the break in period made a huge difference.  No, it was the weather because the next day we were back in the 30's and have been in the 20-30* range all week and my mileage has gone back down. It's still not terrible but this week there are a couple of days that they are predicting below zero temps over night and highs in the teens during the day. 


    I will be looking forward to spring even more now!

  5. I drive a 52 mi. round trip course about 3-4 times a week.  I take the same roads every time.  On hills I just tried to maintain the speed limit (for the sake of the cars behind me but some still passed me) and I consistently see better mpg without Eco cruise on. I can get up to speed faster and it seems easier to stay there.  And even with ICE running I can back off the gas pedal just a bit and still see mpg over 40 on the display.


    Once I started using Eco cruise, my lifetime mpg went down from 38.8 to 38.2.  Granted we had a couple of snow storms and a few days of vicious 40+ mph winds but it took me over a week to get back up to 38.6 lifetime mpg.  After taking Eco cruise off, it has only been a couple of days and I'm back to 38.8.

  6. So, I drove for a week with the Eco cruise turned on.  I gotta say...I am not a fan.  Rarely could I get over 40mpg on a trip when before I had been consistently beating the 47mpg rating.  I drove a mix of highway and city.  It seemed like it took longer to get up to speed and wouldn't go into EV mode very often.


    Turned Eco cruise off a couple of days ago and I am back up to 45 mpg on alot of trips and some I'm getting more than that. 


    Before, if I really didn't pay attention to the EV mode and just drove the car, I would get 35mpg.  Today, on my way to work I got 38mpg.


    Also, something else I have noticed is that I drive better wearing a thinner soled shoe vs. something like tennis shoes. When I can actually feel the gas pedal, I seem to drive better.

  7. We had 12" of snow the day after Christmas.  I waited until the following day to go out and still had to drive through some 2' piles where the plows hadn't completely cleared.  Had no trouble getting through.  Tires did spin (all season) but made it through just fine.  Then a few days later we got 3" more and again, had no trouble getting around.

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