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  1. Ok.. But does anyone know if newer Cmax are heavy on regen braking? I'm currently considering either getting (a newer 2017 or 18) Cmax or Niro..... But i live in an area where they rarely come up for sale (so I cannot test drive one) . And now due to covid I can't really go anywhere... I guess I could adapt to heavy regen due to the extreme comfort and vision of a cmax.. I test drove a niro and got 66mpg tho,similar size and I loved the heated steering wheel, but not really anywhere near as comfy as a cmax. The brakes in the niro (like a regular car) are almost unexistent compared to the cmax, I much prefer the grippy cmax brakes. The niro has zero head room (my head was almost out the sunroof lol) and is lower seating than cmax as well. Thanks.
  2. I recently test drove a 2019ford fusion titanium which I did not really like... Anyway.. I found the braking in the car very different from my Cmax.. When I removed my foot from the gas pedal (accelerating) I found the fusion dramatically slowed down... My cmax does this as well, but not nearly as severe.. Car did not coast very far at all my cmax coasts much further.. There are none for sale near me to test drive either.. Thanks covid lol.. Are the newer Cmax like this as well? Thanks.
  3. So jealous Frank !! very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!i want one hahaa.. the interior , especially the displays are so futuristic and cool. Did i mention i want one ??? I have the factory block heater on my cmax , i totally forgot i even had it til last year LOL.. the block heater cord is in the left back of the engine, and the block heater attachment cord plugs into that socket... anyway, i just plugged it in to the socket and i more or less just routed it myself but i have it peaking out under the hood I (i guess the opposite of Paul)which i like because during heavy snowfall i can push the block heater extension cord and the block heater cord under the hood and it gets protection from snow ice and rain... did i mention i love the new Escape and i want it !!! very nice.
  4. the michelin stealth hybrid wipers (10$ each at costco) work and theyre fairly easy to put on, decent quality (all season) and cheap.. this video will really help, really sucks changing wiper blades in freezing cold weather.. and i posted a pic of the adapter u need to use.. remember u have to remove the existing adapter on your wiper arm first... its so simple when u know how to do it..
  5. how the fluff is a transmission cost $7000 USD ??? thats absolutely absurd..thats like $10000 Canadian $$$ lol... i could see maybe $2000 USD , 2000 seems like A LOT.. 2013 SEL are still going here for about 10000 USD....(in Canada).
  6. i believe ive posted this before, but i always get my gas iin Canada at Petro Canada( gas was $1.19 CAD a litre last nite lol). there gas is ethanol free and its the same price as gas anywhere else (other than Costco but they use ethanol). Gas is always more expensive here, i think it works out to be about $3.40 USD per gallon....I personally like the ethanol free, i really like Petro gas. It is still around 0 C degrees here and im at 44.2mpg (and climbing) , pretty good for 32 f weather. I dont have any actual proof, but in my opinion the ethanol free works much better in my car and i think i also get much better mpg than 10% ethanol. Also i still have my Pirelli Zero Ice tires on as well.
  7. Thanks Golfer.. i figured many people on here would have switched to them.. guess not.
  8. it irritates me too... especially when the windshield is already dry and it swipes again (not good for wipers) .. anyway, if u gently of quickly tug for wiper fluid (it will shoot out a half a spray), the wipers will not be triggered, then u can just wipe once but pushing down on the wiper switch (one wipe).
  9. Just wondering if anyone has switched to LEDs and what kind they bought ? Id like to switch mine to LED but i have no clue, other than i need H11 lol.. If anyone could link me to a type that works(that dont cost a fortune) without hassle id be so grateful !! Also i am in Canada and we do have daytime running lights here. Thanks again :)
  10. https://www.amazon.ca/Genuine-Ford-VC-3DIL-B-Pre-Diluted-Antifreeze/dp/B00BNVK1NQ Do you mean this WNY? in in Canada btw, things are much harder to get here than USA . There is no way id ever pay $72 (plus 50$ for shipping)either lol i actually saw another one for $121 (canadian dollars but still). LOL hahaha 25$ in USA (US$) https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00BNVK1NQ/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all My car is a 2013 with 60 000 miles, i will probably buy the cheap stuff or try calling Ford. thanks for the tip, its probably much cheaper at the dealer.
  11. Thanks Jaz i just have no clue where i would buy the ford coolant, Not sure if i could go to dealership and buy it, and it takes WEEKS to get an appointment with them..
  12. Not sure, if i do or not, but it is low, if there is a leak , it is a very very slow one...its not overheating or anything... I kinda thought that was how it worked to Paul lol, any kind would do .. wasnt sure, the one i found was designed for Fords.. my car is due for inspection this month so ill ask them to check it out.
  13. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/oem-pre-mixed-premium-anti-freeze-coolant-ford-lincoln-mercury-3-78-l-0293081p.0293081.html?vehicle=eyJsb2NhbGUiOiJlbiIsImVwaWNvckVuZFBvaW50IjoiL2F1dG9wYXJ0cyIsInNlYXJjaFR5cGUiOiJjbCIsInllYXIiOiIyMDEzIiwibWFrZSI6IkZPUkQiLCJtb2RlbCI6IkMtTUFYIiwiZW5naW5lIjoiIDQtMTk5OSAyLjBMIERPSEMiLCJjYXRJRCI6MSwiZ3JvdXBJRCI6NTYsImNhdGVnb3JpZXMiOlt7ImlkIjoxLCJuYW1lIjoiQ29vbGFudCJ9XSwic2VsZWN0ZWRDYXRlZ29yeSI6eyJpZCI6MSwibmFtZSI6IkNvb2xhbnQifSwic3ViQ2F0ZWdvcmllcyI6W3siaWQiOjU2LCJuYW1lIjoiQ29vbGFudCBQcm9kdWN0cyJ9XSwic2VsZWN0ZWRTdWJDYXRlZ29yeSI6eyJpZCI6NTYsIm5hbWUiOiJDb29sYW50IFByb2R1Y3RzIn19#srp Can anyone Please tell me if I can add that coolant to my Cmax? Thanks.
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