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Posts posted by ScooterS

  1. My factory order was making steady but slow progress via CN Rail on her way to Vancouver, BC until last night. She was in Interbay, WA and then all of sudden went south to Kent, WA. She has been sitting there for 24 hours. Not sure what that is about? Prior to this hiccup, she was moving steadily at about 30 MPH. My ETA is Dec.3rd so maybe they know that the routine includes sitting in certain rail yards for extended periods of time. When she got to Interbay, I thought yipee as it would only be another 150 or so miles to Vancouver so I thought she might be mine by the weekend. Not looking that way now.

    Will Customs be a delay?

  2. Skitime: You didn't ask about the Sunroof. However, I wanted to make sure that you know that it is for "sun only". It doesn't open.

    ....Just Sayin'


    For us both of the options that you mentioned were important. I got the park assist too. I'm not sure why, but I did..... Now i will have to go cruising looking for a parallel space to try!


    Have Fun!!

  3. I frequent the cmax Facebook page but it's nothing like this. Lots of drive bys and people putting down the car. I have learned so much from reading here. Love to see everyone sharing in the excitement of getting cars and helping figure out problems. My Hunny was impressed with my knowledge of the clay bar and waxing. He joked he would get me a waxing kit for cmas.

    All of my "smart" replies to that one will get me in trouble! ...... end post.

  4. This could be an advantage...... The "new month" of December for car companies usually starts right after the first weekend of the month. I'm not sure how Ford does it, but I think that they may go through 12/3 as November business. The US rebate is $1000, just like the Escape was when it first came out. The current rebate is good through 1/2/13 it might go up a bit, like the Escape did a few months after it was introduced.... All a roll of the dice!

  5. Sorry Laurel !:

    Looks like Cyberdman took a day off. When he gets back next week, you should be able to get another update. If that one has the railcar information on it, you should be able to track it closely from the link I posted the other day.


    If my car gets stuck in Detroit over the long weekend, I doubt that it will make it here on 12/3. If it gets out of the barn today, there may be some hope. Interestingly enough, my salesman is "no longer with the dealership." I'm working with the Sales Manager now. I'm glad that I got the deal in writing! However, I'll be happier when it is all done.


    I'm trying to remember if you celebrate Thanksgiving up there. Soooo.... Happy Holiday or Happy Weekend!

  6. We're getting closer........


    Model: C-Max Hybrid SEL

    Date Ordered: Saturday, 10/20/12

    Promised Delivery time: 6 to 8 Weeks

    VIN Available: 11/5/12

    Window Sticker Available: 11/13/12

    Scheduled Build Date: 11/19/12

    Actual Build Date: 11/19/12

    Released from Factory for Shipping: 11/21/12

    Estimated Delvery Date: 12/03/12

    Actual Delivery Date: TBD

    State: TX


    With the long holiday weekend, I'll believe that the projedted delivery date is a good one, after I pick up the car!

  7. Tracking the Railcar!


    Hey: If you get the actual railcar number, I found this way to track the shipment:




    I tried it on one of the cars that had a rail number posted on a CSX shipment. It worked!


    My car was supposedly "born" today. I doubt that I will have a railcar number for a week or so. If anyone else gets a rail number, please try this and let us know!

  8. Everyone has their own approach! I've been fortunate to be able to buy new. I've always figured that you are going to pay the same amout for a car each month. Sometimes it is on new payments, other times it is on repairs. The trick is not to have both! I drive about 18- 20K miles a year, so it is pretty easy to go through a car quickly. I try to take very good care of mine, which has helped me sell high and buy low. If you do it right, it isn't as expensive as some think.

  9. Thanks dtorres. I understand finally.

    Scooter I am waiting exactly one week to ask cyberdman to check my order which will be this Thursday. It seemingly was built Nov.8th so I thought it might take about a week for it to get on a train.

    Laurel: Unless I missed something, it looks like your last check was on 11/2.... almost 2 weeks ago. ;)

  10. I have a 2010 RAV4 I4 Ltd. I really like it. It is in great shape and I'm probably crazy for trading it. However, this is my 2nd RAV4 and after 5.5 years, I'm ready for a change. I do most of my driving running the freeway to work and back. Looking forward to increased gas mileage.

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