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One of these days we will be able to program a destination into the Nav system and the car will drive us there.  I swear somewhere this is most likely in the works!  I mean those of you in my age group (early 40's) will remember what a big deal the coming of the year 2000 was.  We were told that after that we would have vacuum cleaners that would run themselves at the push of a button.  How far fetched that seemed at the time but look at the options we have for self running vacuum cleaners now! Self operating cars won't be far behind!!!

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Fits2at" data-cid="7595" data-time="1359387606"><p>

One of these days we will be able to program a destination into the Nav system and the car will drive us there. I swear somewhere this is most likely in the works! I mean those of you in my age group (early 40's) will remember what a big deal the coming of the year 2000 was. We were told that after that we would have vacuum cleaners that would run themselves at the push of a button. How far fetched that seemed at the time but look at the options we have for self running vacuum cleaners now! Self operating cars won't be far behind!!!</p></blockquote>


I love the C Max but... I would never buy a car that did that! My sync crashed the second day I had it. Adds a new meaning to the term "crash". Waka waka....

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I just heard today that there are a number of Google's "no-driver" cars running around California, and that they want to expand the program into my state ( Arizona).   There are some laws that need to be addressed in both.


The reporter was stating how we will be able to program our destinations and let the car do the driving, so we can do more productive things in that time.  Good in concept.....but will that mean more Facebook posts, reading blogs and online forums ( like this one) and entertainment videos? 


Sometimes I wonder if we think through all the ideas.  Like Jeff Goldblum said in Jurassic Park, "you were so excited about the fact that you could do it that you never stopped to ask if you should do it"  or something like that.


If systems can add to our safety and movement of traffic, I am all for them!

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I was blown away to hear that driverless cars have been approved for the road in several states.

As a tech geek I think that's really cool.  But I can't believe that any politician or government official would go out on a limb like that.  All it'll take will be one injury accident, not necessarily even "the car's fault" and I bet that'll be suspended.

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I was blown away to hear that driverless cars have been approved for the road in several states.

As a tech geek I think that's really cool.  But I can't believe that any politician or government official would go out on a limb like that.  All it'll take will be one injury accident, not necessarily even "the car's fault" and I bet that'll be suspended.

Usually the stipulation is that a driver has to be in the driver seat and can take control of the vehicle at any time.

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There are also possibly thousands of them. Google is not the only one, there are universities and other companies too. VW Audi has been active in the self-driving car space for years...


Three states have made them legal: Nevada, California, and Florida. Other states are working on new laws to legalize them as well.


There are millions of human beings I trust less than autonomous cars.

Edited by valkraider
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When we came back to Oregon and got our DL switched, I was next to a lady in line who had failed the written test 4 times, and was on her 5th taking (which is tough because in Oregon after three they make you wait like 6 months to test again - or something like that) and I was just amazed. I mean - I am not sure I want her driving on the same roads as me and my family...

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If your like most of America and own an iPhone ...




Um, no. This is titled to refer to those that refer to the "evil Ford lie" of 47 MPG and the horrible math they use. Therefore the possessive adjective form is appropriate. In this case you are incorrect. I do appreciate sharing the knowledge though even if you missed the altruistic intent.


Sorry, I can't resist.



OK, let's say the title of the OP was deliberately intended to be "your".  What was the intention with "if your like most of America"?


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