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Everything posted by valkraider

  1. Photo display limitations: • Compatible file formats are as follows: .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp • Each file must be 1.5 MB or less. • Recommended dimensions: 800 x 378 • Only the photograph(s) which meet these conditions will be displayed. Photographs with extremely large dimensions (i.e., 2048 x 1536) may not be compatible and will appear as a blank (black) image on the display.
  2. Triumph Rocket III Touring. It's a fairly large bike. :) 2300cc triple.
  3. My C-Max even in plain Hybrid mode... Gets better mileage than my motorcycle. ;)
  4. Our Jetta was that way, if there was no one sitting in the seat the seat heater didn't generate any heat.
  5. Ours is the smart-key setup and if it was missing the mechanical key we would know because the mechanical key is attached to the end of the fob and when you pop it out the fob has a big hole at the end. We have a little slide/button thing that you pull to the side and then you can pull out the mechanical key.
  6. They can blame the phone all they want. But my phone works with 4 other cars from three other manufacturers, 2 different motorcycle headsets, a radar detector, an earpiece, a desktop speaker system, and a home audio system. So yeah, blame the phone. :)
  7. Like I said in another thread, I am waiting for Bob or Clippy to show up.
  8. MFT is not as "vehicle specific" as you may think. The delivery of the updates is phased in because dealerships don't want every customer all coming in at the same time and overwhelming their service department which usually only has one or two guys trained on MFT. The delay in the vehicles with NAV systems is also not model specific, it is due to the manufacture and availability of the updated NAV SD cards. The C-Max is a global platform. Not as much as you think was "changed" to bring it to North America. The whole point of the global Platforms is to make cars one way around the globe to minimize differences and therefore minimize part differentiation and knowledge sets needed to build and service the cars. For the past 3 years I have worked on computer systems in the automotive industry. They certainly are not making a separate version of MFT for each model - just like there is not a different version of iOS for each iPhone or a different version of Windows for each desktop PC. Now of course small differences may exist due to minor changes in equipment. That is a given, just like our car was ordered with park assist and others cars may not be. But none of that is unique to the C-Max. The only things we are really beta-testers for is the hybrid power-train. Almost every other part of the vehicle has been out for a few years and may even be in use in other Ford vehicles. Also, typing on a phone while wearing gloves is tricky...
  9. It loses our programmed radio stations, locks up regularly (most commonly when switching into or out of reverse), loses paired phones, etc... It's just generally unstable. I also have a bunch if nitpicks about the user interface because that's what I do for a living, so I can be a bit anal retentive about it. :)
  10. Too bad the Nav component is the part I use the least. ;)
  11. MFT has been out since 2011. It has nothing to do with the C-max being new in the US. MFT had terrible reviews long before the C-max came to the states. The version of MFT which came with the C-Max is actually the third iteration. We are not early adopters. The C-Max platform has also been out in this current version since 2010. So we are also not early adopters in that regard. The only thing that is new really is the hybrid power train - and even that borrows heavily from the previous Escape and Fusion hybrid platforms. The transmission is brand new and of course the plug-in Energi is also a new concept.
  12. Yeah, my Chrysler UConnect was trouble free. Not the most exciting thing but it worked great.
  13. I'm waiting for Bob or Clippy to show up. ;)
  14. I just don't get it. I want to support Microsoft. We *need* competition in the marketplace. It is vital to spur innovation. But sometimes I'm just befuddled. Does no one at Ford or Microsoft own any cars with MFT in them?
  15. Jebus. My C-Max with AC at full blast will still do better than my truck with AC at full blast. Why the hell would I want to make myself miserable all the time? There is a fine line between genius and insanity...
  16. MyFordTouch is what is going on. My regional rep could only say "there is no ETA for the update release." This is really the worst software experience I have ever had, and I am forced to use it without any alternatives...
  17. CR has been dead to me for years. I have not had a product where my experiences matched theirs for probably a full decade.
  18. The reason for the "factory" placement is that is where there is no grills. The area where the plate sits in solid with no air vents. Above and below where the plate sits have air vents. So the "all on the grill" placement is only possible with something like the grill covers which block the airflow.
  19. I am not sure what kind of people would be offended by pictures of fish, but I am reasonably sure they probably should just keep their computer and TV turned off and maybe just stay indoors.
  20. My Energi *was* advertised at less than 47. ;) That's assuming I *have* to burn gas some time... Hehe...
  21. Rain (and humidity) also reduce the efficiency of ICE motors. Moisture doesn't burn. :)
  22. Hey - one more: Being able to configure lock+light+beep settings. It would be nice to set when and how the lights flash and horn beep with regards to locking doors or whatnot...
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